Hey all, I'm Jennifer Caeyne. I play euphonium, because euphonium is the best ever. I just bought a new one (WHEEEEEEE!!!!!). Anyway, so yeah, I'm happy happy happy, and this is my song. It's weird, it's not like anything else I've composed, and has a superly random ending. But I like it that way! Anyway, tell me what you think. It's not my greatest piece, but not my worst either. I'll probably change a lot over time.
Anyone can please IM me on AIM at EuphoniumFantasi especially if you've heard of Rhapsody, Kamelot, Epica, Blind Guardian, Elvenking, KABALEVSKY, etc.
Haha, my valve oil says... if swallowed, do not induce vomiting... LMAO!