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Jonathon McKenna

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About Jonathon McKenna

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Rising Star

Rising Star (9/15)

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  1. I'm listening to "The End of the Street" right now and it is beatiful.
  2. download "CCleaner", it makes your computer run faster! :D (lol downloading solves everything!)
  3. download flashget, it makes downloading alot faster
  4. YAY!!! I'm getting Finale 2008 for Christmas! My mom ordered it from www. aabaca .com a site that www. finalemusic .com listed as a seller of Finale 2008 at the academic price). YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! (they still haven't sent a confirmation email yet... :(... I hope they hurry! :w00t::toothygrin:)
  5. I am a student... does it matter what your major is or anything like that?
  6. I looked at a chart comparing Finales products and I have some questions. (hopefully you wonderful people here know some of the answers) Does Allegro come with more and better instrument sounds than Notepad? What is score merging? Will I miss the "key sequencer features" that Finale 2008 comes with and Allegro doesn't come with? Finale 2008 allows "multiple 3rd party music fonts" but Allegro is "limitted". How limited?
  7. ah... very good link.. I should have found that myself lol
  8. obviously Finale is better than Allegro, but how much better? what can a person do in Finale that they can't do in Allegro?
  9. I MAY BE ABLE TO GET NICE COMPOSING SOFTWARE FOR CHRISTMAS! WHAT SHOULD I GET? What I'm going for is nice sounds (I'd especially like to be able to manipulate them nicely, great freedom with dynamics, do cool things with reverb and all that good stuff) so I can make good sounding computer recordings, and I would like to be able to print sheet music. What do you use? Do me a favor and post links to songs you've written with the software so I can hear the quality of the sound. What should I get in addition to whatever programs you reccommend? Right now all I have is Finale Notepad and Anvil Studio, both of which are free programs, Anvil Studio is barely worth the cost (lol). I have heard some great sounding reccordings here at young composers. I need to decide what I want before Monday (the 10th)!!! HELP!!!
  10. Has anybody here ever had any success with selling their music online? If so, how did you do it? Is there a website where composers can make money by selling their music? Perhaps a website where game developers can go to find cheap music or something? (no doubt I'm sounding naive but hey, I can at least ask right?)
  11. Hey! This is my new piano piece. It was inspired by my girlfriend so naturally it is named after her. Larisa. I started this piece about 6 months ago... however I ran into a few blocks. She left to go on a trip so I started writing a sad part to it but then she got back and I didn't know where to take it lol. So I had to scratch about half the piece and then continue. I also wasn't sure how to end the piece... I think this is because there hasn't been an end to our relationship so it was pretty impossible for me to think of an ending so I forged the ending. Here it is! Download Larisa Larisa.MUS
  12. GARR!!! well, at least I know you didn't forget about posting it, it must be very suspensful waiting for your recording to come goodluck being patient lol
  13. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is the new mp3 in yet? The one from Brazil? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t: :sadtears: :D :thumbsup:
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