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About Ethan

  • Birthday 08/20/1990

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  • Biography
    Freshman in College- Vocal Music Education Major

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Collaborator (7/15)

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  • Six Years in

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  1. So you all know I am in a band, and our instrumental factor is pretty solid. I do the singing and stuff, and was wondering how you all go about coming up with great catchy melody lines. I was laying down vocals for our song "Shania" and my roommate was saying how it just sounded kind of sing songy, with not enough variety. I was just wondering if you all had any suggestions, because honestly, it has kind of gotten me down on my music a little bit!! Thank you in advance. Much Love, Ethan
  2. I'm always leery of joining websites (like soundclick)- although I guess it is something to look into. Anyone else have anything to say about this song???:D
  3. Hey, thank you!! I greatly appreciate it!!! There will be vocal, I just haven't recorded them yet because I've been sick!!! The lyrics I've posted on here a while back- it's called, "Shania"! Same thing for the posting this as a different file for some of you- I've been sick this past week, so I've been behind on everything, and I apologize!!!
  4. Alright- I will try when I get back from classes today!:D
  5. Anyone think anything of this piece???:D
  6. I'm actually not exactly sure how to do that- so I guess I'll try here in a bit!! :)
  7. My friend Kevin and I were back in the studio this weekend and I thought we'd share what we've gotten so far on the song "Shania". It's not completely finished, but I thought I'd share with you what we've completed so far so you all can take a listen and let us know what you think!!! Shania 6.m4a Happy Labor Day To All, Ethan
  8. The audio file for this didn't work- I'd love to hear it!!
  9. Hey, my dad went on a medical trip to Moldova. That's really cool!
  10. Hey now, don't hate!!!:P I just think with numbers, you don't get the relationship between whole and half steps and major versus minor as you would with solfege.:D
  11. I think it's interesting that FSU uses numbers, as I don't think that is a good idea at all. It does nothing to differentiate whole steps versus whole steps and major versus minor. The thing that I see as a positive for la based minor is the fact that you wouldn't have to change any of the syllables whereas with do based you do ("le, te) to get your flat 6th and 7th scale degrees. Great discussion though all, I appreciate it!
  12. Alright, in high school, our choir director used a "la" based minor and in college they've been teaching us a "do" based system. I was wondering which on you all preferred and why. I told my old choir director today that we used "do" based and he wasn't terribly happy with that because he was a strong component of the "la" based. Thanks So Much, Ethan
  13. Thanks for the compliments and comments you all! I really appreciate it!!!!
  14. Thank you- I appreciate it! All of my lyrics are based off of true events/ people- so it's nice to see that such a personal lyric comes across as decent!!:D
  15. ha ha- What do you mean thanks? Were they good???:D What did you think?
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