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About Star-Keeper

  • Birthday 08/16/1994

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    High School Student
  • Interests
    Writing stories, writing music with my friends, reading heaps...

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  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I'm starting to feel bad that you're posting on all my stuff, and I haven't returned the favour. I'll get onto that as soon as I can, but hopefully before school starts again! I don't want it to quite yet.
  2. Thank you! I've been watching this every day since I posted it, and I've been nervously awaiting the reply! Duet 1: I agree with your comment on the bridge, I thought about adding something in, but I wasn't entirely sure what, or where, so it's good to have your opinion on that. Duet 2: That's an interesting idea, but I certainly don't think of that when I hear it! I don't really want to change anything in this one, it's probably my favourite. Duet 3: I though it had a funny sound too, but that's why I like it. The only thing I don't like about them, is that I can't play them very well at all, with the exception of 2. I wasn't sure if anyone else would like these because I consider my taste rather strange. Thank you for your comments!
  3. Well seven seems a bit much for me, but if I do compose a string quartet anytime soon, I think you seem to be the person to send it to for help. I'll stick to things I know for know, like woodwind. I think you've ended up helping me more than I've helped you. Sorry about that!
  4. Okay then, I'll remember that. I don't play a string instrument, but I consider learning one, so that's something I should remember, especially if I want to write a string quartet. I have a thing where I prefer to write for an instrument if I know how to play it, which can be a bit of an issue. Will there be more movements, or just the three?
  5. I do like your choice of instruments, and your melody, but maybe in some sections it's a bit too busy, I found it rather hard to concentrate on one part, but I liked your work on harmony. The only other thing is, that the chords at the end for the vibraphones are a bit big, maybe you could split it with the marimba, but to be honest, I don't know too much about what I'm saying, don't take any of it too seriously. Hope to hear more from you in the future.
  6. I hope I listened to the right song, but I quite liked this. I've always wanted to write a piece for a string quartet, but I must confess, I'd have no idea what to do, so good work. Although I don't play a string instrument the only thing I thought you might have a look at would be your very quick transitions between pizz. and arco. That might be a bit tricky, but then again I'm not entirely sure. I am sure I'm not being partiucularly helpful, so just to wrap it up, good work, I enjoyed listening to this piece.
  7. I loved this! It's songs like this that make me wish I played a brass instrument, not woodwind. I'll probably listen to this heaps, and wish that I was as good at composing as you... Keep up the good work!
  8. I haven't been on in ages! Wow...... I can't believe YOU posted on this Skye! That's because there are TOO MANY dynamics.......
  9. Okay, I wrote these a little while ago, and I just want some comments on them, and a little help with making them a little better, of course I don't really consider myself a true composer, because I'm a High School Student with no idea what he's doing. All help/comments welcome. Also, these names are far from permanent, and all suggestions are welcome, because I consider myself to be awful when it comes to naming, so named them simply for the sake of being able to post them. Duet I.MUSDuetII.MUSDuetIII.MUSDuet I.MIDDuetII.MIDDuetIII.MID
  10. It's okay, but I hope that others enter though. Where do you live that you have to study now? My school year hasn't even started yet! Next year I have NCEA... But not this year! Maybe next time I post a competition you can enter then.
  11. I'm not really bothered that much about what you do/how you do it, as long as you do something. Anything you're comfortable with or fits into chamber music.
  12. That would be good thanks. I don't have any restrictions, really, except it can't be too long, or we wouldn't be able to enter it. 5 minutes, or around that maybe? Is that long? I don't really mind much about anything else. It will be interesting to see the results. That is, if anyone else enters.
  13. Deadline? Well, the competition is a while away yet. How about the 20th next month? It seems that we may not be allowed to swap instruments during the competition, so people may be restricted to one instrument, but there can be exceptions. I'd be happy to have you judge Gollam. Actually I'd be happy to have anyone judge at the moment.
  14. I'm not really sure about this being much of a competition, but I wasn't sure where to post it. Me and two of my friends want to enter the Chamber Music competition are school always enters this year. We couldn't last year, because year nines aren't aloud. How cruel... Anyway, me and my friends play; 1. Flute. Good player, and with enough practise is excellent. (Don't tell her I said that, or she'll get anxious and start playing bad.) 2. Clarinet and a little alto sax (doesn't actually own one, borrows mine.) Is quite a good player, but has little faith in herself. 3. Confident on piano and alto sax, quite happy to play clarinet, and confident on flute untill the notes get high, as I'm self taught! Both clarinets are B flat. You don't really need to do the whole song, just the general idea, (my friends and I can adapt it, but that would be helpful. It can be nearly anything, but I do want it to be memorable. The sort of thing I'm sort of hoping for is a song like Endless Rain, but anything would be good. Could I get some judges too? I'm not a very confident judge or critic. Hope this isn't to annoying, thank you! I'd write it myself, but I lose confidence after hearing songs I think are great, like Eternal Blaze. After hearing that, my friends and I got a little stuck... xendless_rain.MUS xendless_rain.MID Eternal Blaze.mid
  15. Thank you! We are sort of new to this, and it doesn't really help that our music teacher doesn't tell us much about composing. Maybe this year. Though last year was supposed to be his last year. He's the best music teacher in the school, so fingers crossed he comes back! Know anything about chamber music competitions? We need some good pieces, because I know my friends can play well, even if they don't believe it.
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