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Murr last won the day on June 23 2011

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About Murr

  • Birthday 11/29/1987

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    Columbus, OH
  • Occupation
    freelance illustrator

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  1. Wow. I had no idea this topic was still live, haha. Thanks as always, Marius, for the in-depth insight. I'm pretty positive that it will be a very, very long time before I have a computer powerful enough to handle either of these packages. Not to mention the amount of time it would inevitably take to learn them properly. But I'm always amazed at what's being achieved through sampling!
  2. I really dig it. The electronic bass line in the section after 0:40 reminded me of days playing the old Duke Nukem 3D. Futuristic yet gritty. I agree about the transition between sections, but overall sweet stuff.
  3. Another piece of orchestrated Chrono Trigger music. It's hard to find time to compose/arrange, and learning about mixing/editing/mastering is a steady crawl uphill, but if I keep the momentum going maybe I'll have an album's worth of this stuff written by 2013, haha. Anyway, hope you enjoy!Original music by Yasunori Mitsuda. Arranged and orchestrated by Jake Murray. Chrono Trigger Orchestral - The Millennial Fair
  4. Hey Marius, Fantastic man. What a treat to have a piece performed live (despite the intonation problems). The orchestration sounds pretty awesome though. Always a pleasure to see what you've been up to!
  5. Fantastic. I can't really say anything that hasn't been said already. Great work!
  6. Oh man, this is awesome. Love the swelling brass parts. And the spiccato strings are also a nice touch (though I don't think I'll ever be able to hear that pattern and NOT think of Batman). All around great job.
  7. Hey thanks John! I'm glad you enjoyed it. And yes, yes you are a bad gamer for not having played Chrono Trigger, haha. Thanks for listening. :) @Wendell.R.F.93: Glad you liked it. Thanks for stopping by. :)
  8. Okay, for some reason that link isn't going where I told it to, so I'll just paste the url here: http://www.garritan.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=34
  9. You're welcome, Judas. Orchestration is definitely a daunting subject. As much orchestra music as I try to write, I certainly can't claim to have a true grasp of its rules and theory. Mostly I just listen to a lot of orchestral music and, like you, just write what sounds good to me. In any case, if you're interested in studying it, the Garritan website has a great free online course here . All the Best, Jake
  10. Hey Judas. Your piece is pretty sweet. Especially when the tempo picks up and you develop that pulsing rhythm. The parts in between "battles" lose me just a little bit. I think maybe I'd like it to build up a bit quicker or here the melody switch over to some different timbres (the horn and string combo sounds pretty predominant here). Overall, really nice though. Welcome to YC!
  11. This makes me think of a blend between some of Masashi Hamauzu's work and the Chrono Cross soundtrack. I really like some of the textures you're creating with the solo strings, but have to agree with Peter that it could use a little variation in the key. Just some sort of little "B section" that breaks us away from the establishment for a second and then brings us back. Overall very nice though!
  12. Really fun, Gonzalo. I definitely hear you on not having the time to compose. No real crits or anything from me. Sounds lovely!
  13. It's always seems like ages between posts. I haven't been feeling extremely musical until recently when I started replaying Chrono Trigger. Being reminded of how great the music for that game was (and being somewhat disappointed with the OC Remix "Chrono Symphonic" album) I decided to to do a little arranging again. This piece for orchestra combines the songs, "Morning Sunlight" and "Peaceful Days" from the Chrono Trigger soundtrack. Hope you enjoy! :)Oh, and as always, crits are most welcome. Chrono Trigger Orchestral - Morning in the Kingdom of Guardia
  14. Thanks, glad you like them. Actually the most music training I've had is highschool band and jazz piano lessons (also during highschool). The rest just comes from listening to a lot of soundtracks and lots of ear training I guess. :P Although I've always thought it would be awesome to compose professionally, the fear that my technical knowledge is miniscule at best has kept me from really pushing my music out there. Well, that and trying to build a full-time illustration career. :P Anyway, thanks again for listening!
  15. No problem. It's a nice piece. I've got some stuff out here on YC, but a better place to listen would be out at my website, here.
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