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Kevin Penkin

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About Kevin Penkin

  • Birthday 05/21/1992

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    Perth WA
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    Composing, Anime, Games

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  1. Hey!! I like the harmonies and melodies used! It's just a shame there guitar isn't a bit more sensitive, but it's cool, it can' be helped.
  2. Thanks guys!!!
  3. Hey this is great fun! The weird thing is that it doesn't sound even. It sounds like the main melody is missing it's last 2 bars!! It's actually making me go crazy because the melodies awesome...it just....finished 2 bars early I think hahaha.
  4. Hey it's REALLY good to see more of this type of music up here. I'm not dissing your writing skills in anyway, they're FINE! hahah! But because those voices are so damn good it feels like you should of just used the voices and mad the voices build together.
  5. I really like the ideas in the intro however because you stick to such traditional use of harmony I personally don't think it conveyed the wanted emotional as strongly as I would think I could, but that's just me hahaha! Well done!
  6. Wow guys thanks for the feedback so far. I gotta answer now! haha. @SergeOfArniVillage- Sorry no sheet music! GOOD POINT! I should explain. I have to descriptions for this. The concept behind why the piece is changing slightly. It's more going from pain to sadness and then the major context (replying to VOLT too!). To you are "flowing" through different feelings, but definitely starting sad and definitely ending happy. Then you get different emotions and different combinations of emotions in the middle. @ JijGaat - Rabu zatto ge-mu! @ Black Orpheus - Thanks man!
  7. Hey guys...(again)..I thought some of you might find this one interesting. Maybe not though hahaha. I don't know.It a piano piece dedicated to me and a friend, as we both recently have both suffered a lot of betrayal by friends, so this is like...my musical response on behalf of how hurt we feel/felt.Feel free to comment as either a critic, appreciator or even as someone who has been betrayed by someone they trusted and loved, and how this song related to that, or not? HAHAHA! GOOOOOOO Ryuichi Sakamoto!!! ^^ Flow
  8. Hey thanks! @musicmacman - thanks! I'm glad you liked it This is a sequence. (Logic) @Marius - THANKS - Glad you like the synths. I wana do a piece now with a Theremin! If I did do another piece like this I'll think about what you suggested!! BTW yeah! Love Japan hahaha @AnitA - If it doesn't work, PM me and I'll give you an external link ^^
  9. Hahah! This reminds me of so much heheh. I liked your use of tonality and the colour flourishes with the orchestra were REALLY enjoyable. So much fun!! ^^
  10. Hey cool piece! The feeling is fine for me however the CHORD after CHORD after CHORD got a little tedious for me, however that may also be because of your MIDI. It's really coooooool!!
  11. Hey! Welcome! I like the feel of the piece, although like Marius said, the breaks jared the experience a little. I reminded me of slow Celtic melody writing which his cool!
  12. Sorry I haven't been on to comment! I don't have any time nowadays but I will try to sit down and give you all the time you deserve :) ANYWAY! This is something I wrote and what-not so enjoy :) It's basically a piano improv that has strings and a little synth orchestrated around it. Hope you like it, once again, sorry for not being able to listen to your (I'm sure!) great compositions! Mirky Feelings
  13. Thanks so much for your time and support. And thank you for your honest review. It's interesting that you are reffering it to Sky Cannon, it's not a bad thing at all, just interesting haha. I guess I did use minimalist techniques in both pieces, so it's funny how you tracked these 2 down hahahah. I do see your points too, (that you made). I feel I won't change the piece but I will obviously try and do my best for the future.
  14. This is actually really good! Very enjoyable and great orchestration!!!
  15. Heyyyy That's really nice to know. Thanks guys :)
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