Scuba Diving On Acid
This is the first "song" ive posted. I used quotations because this is not really a song. What you are about to listen to is the first ten minutes of my friend and me jamming. I am playing the trumpet on this track, and he is performing on electronics, saranghi, and squeaky chair. The recording is not high quality at all-just one mic in the middle of the room. There was no preconcieved idea for what kind of noise was going to come from either of us. We just decided to play what was inside of us and our reactions to our sonic surroundings at that moment. We are both big Zorn fans. My trumpet playing is not all that great right now. Ive just recently started playing it often - in the last few months -after putting it down for a few years. Like i said this is not really a song, but at the same time it is, but that depends on your perspective. This piece's title came about the first time we listened to the recording. I posted this to see what some peoples reactions are. Comments are welcome and encouraged - good, bad.......antything. This is a long piece, and some people might not have the attention span to listen to the whole thing. It takes a certain mindset, even for me, to listen to this whole thing. So, if you cant stand anymore of it right now, come back to it later.
I posted this in Jazz because of its experimental and improvisational nature.
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