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About anthonyzerillocomposer

  • Birthday 10/08/1972

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    Hertfordshire, SE England
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    IT Consultant

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  1. Most things = not everything! ;)
  2. I thought that the industry standard was markings at the top = right foot, and markings at the bottom = left foot?
  3. Me likes it a lot! Pretty haunting - sounds underwater in places.
  4. It definitely has a hint, in fact more than that, of Baroque. Methinks Buxtehude in style. Yes, there are elements of modernism, and there are also elements of "randomness". What I mean by this is sections where nothing seems to happen apart "let's try and make this piece a little longer". A little blunt, I know, but true. I personally thought you had started the fugue very well and then it became more of a prelude or fantasia than a fugue, but luckily the theme came back at the end to remind us that it was a fugue after all. Someone was influenced by Bach, especially at the end with the long tonic pedal although Bach would have done a dominant one instead. What distinguishes a modern fugue from a Baroque one? Well, if you are going to use the word fugue, then it's a style which became very popular in the Baroque era. So if you are going to write a modern fugue, then I personally think the principle must be adhered to. These include subject (entering at the dominant), a countersubject, episodes, development to relative minor/major, recapitulation at the end, use of dominant/tonic pedals and so on... but with a modern twist. I am reminded of the shark fugue by John Williams in Jaws. He sticks to the fugue style but makes it more modern in rhythms and pitch. Finally, chromatic fugue? Not convinced. Yes, there was chromaticism, but Bach did write an organ fugue which contained far more chromaticism in the subject. Can I remember which one it is? Not a chance, but I know he wrote one!
  5. Whatever EWQL suggest for specs, don't believe it! I bought 4 EWQL sets based on the recommended specs, and I am just about running them with my specs which are: System Specs: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+ 3GHz, Vista 64-bit, 8 GB RAM, 160GB SATA HD (OS), 500 GB SATA HD (Libs), 300GB USB HD (Projects/Files), Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Software: Sibelius 6, Reaper, dBpoweramp, Play, Kontakt2. Libraries: EWQLSO, EWQLSC, QLSD2 (soon to get QLVPO), Sibelius Essentials 6 and 5.
  6. sh******************************t! A moderately-sized instrument! I reckon from the Baroque era? :O :D
  7. You don't need to restart the computer, but you do need for Sibelius to rescan the plugin folder, if the plugings don't show up. And you get the play_vst.dll (or 64 if using 64-bit) file from the EW installation folder, not the CD. A word of warning!! Sibelius being 32-bit will only access 32-bit plugins (even in 64-bit OS), and will be limited to 32-bit technology in particular RAM. Let's say I have been having fun and games over the last few weeks 'integrating' Sibelius 6 with Eastwest stuff, and my answer was (and working OK but not great) to write everything in Sib, export MIDI, import MIDI into a DAW such as Reaper, load Play (or Kompakt) instances, sort out the MIDI routing to the instances with various patches loaded, and work with the DAW to render etc... Btw, all this in Vista 64-bit (Sibelius will only run in 32-bit mode) which utilises CPU and max RAM on your machine. Oh, and I suggest you get Jonathan Loving's Sibelius Soundsets (google it), but he hasn't done one for Colossus I think, installed on Sibelius for proper and more realistic playback. If you are going to try to get Sibelius to play Eastwest stuff, good luck! It's not going to happen or it's going to take some setting up or headaches.
  8. And how did you get that, or did you already have past dealings with the director/producer/other?
  9. Two things: 1. What are your machine specs? I am intrigued. 2. Did you know you are not actually allowed to sell any EWQL libraries once you have bought them - they (the licences) are not transferrable. There have been a couple of discussions going on at the SoundsOnline forum (the official Eastwest forum) about this and even I was shocked you couldn't do this. Also, I hate to mention it, but Eastwest currently have a promotion going on (2-4-1), so you might find that selling your products now might not be that productive...
  10. Advantages: Faster processing as you would need a 64-bit CPU. Greater memory usage (can utilise far more than 32-bit). Running 64-bit programs therefore utilising the OS, the CPU, and memory (you can run 32-bit programs in 64-bit OS but limited to 32-bit technology even in 64-bit mode), in fact your machine's full potential. DAWs and VSTs (plugins or standalone) in 64-bit versions give you better performance as they were designed to use the 64-bit environment and 64-bit CPU. Faster overall experience. Exactly the same as 32-bit OS. No extra menus, no hidden extras. Looks the same as Vista 32-bit or its equivalent 32-bit OS (XP ir Windows 7). Disadvantages: Sibelius, for example, is only 32-bit so will behave like 32-bit thus not utilising your system's resources, CPU processing power and full memory. Cost of equipment and OS. You need 64-bit CPU and the equipment to go with it. Not everything has a 64-bit driver or 64-bit support. Might need a second machine to run your music stuff on it on 64-bit, as you might not be able to use it as your day to day machine (drivers, hardware support, etc...). I think I got everything down, but I am sure someone will add more. I suppose your question is the same for which is better for music? PCs or Macs. We all know what the answer to that is, but the main reason people don't go for Macs is cost, I believe.
  11. No. Your post is valuable. Maybe others will see it and be jealous or won't share their experience. Or maybe not that many takers! Sometimes I notice that to get 1 reply, there are 30-40 views!
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