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About musicdecomposed

  • Birthday 12/06/1984

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  • Biography
    I write music. I can't play the piano. I hate wearing shoes. I write primarily for the voice.
  • Location
    Manhattan, KS
  • Occupation
    Teacher, Conductor, Composer, Waiter
  • Interests
    Composing, Writing, Rock Band/Guitar Hero, football, hockey

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  1. I've always enjoyed performing and reading pieces with shifts in time... but I always find it very hard to do so when I am writing my own music...I tried it for a time in my string quartet, and in a few select places in some of my solo songs. I'll try to go back and see where I can compress and stretch to fit more in time with the natural speech patterns. In other news, I am a huge fan of Byrd, Tallis and Palestrina.
  2. Sorry about the key signature, those are the pitches I heard in my head when I was writing...It can be easily transposed, but I really liked the warmth that it evoked (if you believe that).
  3. Setting of the Christmas prayer, in other news, i believe the words for light ("lux" and "luceat") in Latin are some of the most beautiful words ever conceived for singing O Nata Lux
  4. The final movement from my requiem for unaccompanied voice Requiem: In Paradisum
  5. A Setting of the Edmund Waller poem, for SATB choir. Go, Lovely Rose
  6. OK, re-uploaded the links, they should work now.
  7. A setting of one of my favorite prayers, for large a cappella ensemble. Magnficat
  8. when I click on either link they seem to work for me...not sure what I may be doing wrong when I upload???
  9. No. 3 from the cycle God(Love) Songs: 5 songs of e.e. cummings love is the every only God
  10. For SATB. Originally conceived for 4 solo voices, but it works in larger groups as well, the important part is definitely the balance between the voices. Again, I wanted something approachable, thoroughly singable by a wide variety of singers and groups, and something that captures the emotions of the words. When David Heard
  11. No. 2 from the song cycle God(Love) Songs: 5 songs of e.e. cummings i have found what you are like
  12. There are actually no accidentals in this piece... it was written for a beginning women's choir headed by a friend of mine. They wanted something a cappella, but approachable and challenging at the same time. It was my attempt to capture something very simply.
  13. My piano writing is terrible at best. I apologize for that. I basically just wrote down what I heard in my head when I was composing...I'm working on improving my score writing... Thanks for the positive words.
  14. all the links seem to work for me...?
  15. It seems to be working fine for me right now... hmmm...
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