Before we get to the actual piece, let me just say a little bit about myself. I am just finishing my high school career, and I am certainly enjoying concert band and marching band. The thing is, I didn't play an instrument until sophomore year. I never played an instrument in middle school, and in the middle of my freshman year I decided to try out for winter percussion. (I figured this would give me the skills to get into marching band, since most of my friends were in the band anyways.) I played bass drum my freshman year in the indoor percussion ensemble, and then my sophomore year I marched bass drum. During the summer between sophomore and junior year, I essentially learned how to play the baritone/euphonium by stealing one of the instruments from school and teaching myself with the Accent on Achievement Book 1. Junior and senior years I played baritone in the marching band and concert bands. (Our director was incredibly lax and didn't mind me switching as we only had 1 other baritone.) Right now, I can play a grade 2 piece with relative ease, but on the upper grade 3's and grade 4's, I tend to start getting into trouble with sight reading. So, I am probably playing on a ninth grade level rhythmically. Tonally and technically I am fine. It seems that I was able to master the art of playing the instrument quite easily, I just haven't been able to master the art of reading music. In any event, I hope to do some work in music in college, but I realize that I will have to rapidly accelerate my understanding in order to keep up with the worst music majors at the university. (I mean, it isn't a conservatory or anything, but I don't think there will be too many horrible players.) So, I decided to read a theory book on my own and compose this little piece. It is a chamber piece I suppose for trumpet in B-Flat and Baritone Horn. (Although I have only composed the baritone bass portion for the first third of the song. ) It sounds rather scottish to me for some odd reason. In any event, listen, look, and tell me what you think. The runs sound to me like I could tweak them somewhat, but I am really concerned about whether or not my bass line is alright. Most of it is just a third up from the melody, so it wasn't terribly hard to devise. The file is a Finale 2004 file.