first i want to say that it's a beautiful piece, played beautifully too. =) whose eyes did you write this for preposition? i'm sure this would mean the world to them.
the harmony was gorgeous throughout, i loved the twingey dissonances you had in spots.
if i may type some stuffs i noted, though: at parts i felt a few awkward transitions from one "part" to the next.. honestly i think for a piece like this i shouldn't be so able to identify "here's an idea he had for a few bars, now we've begun the next idea for a little while".. if that makes sense. I think you could do a lot with working to make a piece like this one solid musical "entity", which isn't to say you should only have one musical idea, god forbid, because an entity is made up of lots of ideas. a wagnerian opera is an entity just like a short piece for guitar is. but they both exist coherently where all their ideas are put together in a way where the "entity" can stand on its own legs, the heart beats properly and pumps blood, etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah you get it. (i scribbled down measures 14 33 and especially 46 for this)
so if you worked with that in mind maybe it would have more a sense of.... togetherness, where one idea leads smoothly into another in a way that makes sense and in the end ties itself together (or pointedly doesn't, but always in a way that makes sense)
(speaking of endings, i thought the ending line seemed markedly 'apart' from the rest of the material, but i also thought this is gorgeous i love this oh god why are you stopping don't make an end-y chord i want moreeee. you could easily take the melody beginning at measure 74 and make an entire new piece out of it and i would devour it.)
but yeah even with all that to say, i really enjoyed listening to it (several times even =o) the music in you is tender and moving and i would be so glad to hear more from you
edit: just an afterthought, listening to it again i think it would do a lot of good for this piece to be performed less... rigidly, like not adhering so closely to that particular tempo. it would do a lot of good to just in general let yourself dig into it emotionally and take all the time you need for each note to sing and count. kay done now