Well Andre Rieu JR. that is. His father, Andre Rieu SR was a "serious" conductor in the '50s and 60's, and very well respected. There is a recording of him on imeem:
Hans Henkemans, piano - Amsterdams Kamerorkest Andre Rieu - henkemanskv238c - Free MP3 Stream on IMEEM Music
Where you can hear him with Dutch pianist Hans Henkemans in /mozart's Bb concerto kv 238.
Speaking of old records, this is a splendid site:
- the european archive : home page -
It's a collaboration of different European radio libraries.
At the the moment there are more then 800 classical Lp's from the
Dutch public radio which you can download for free.
There are some real rare gem's in that
collection, like the Max Rostal Beethoven sonata's ($200 at Ebay!)
never issued on cd:
As American Ip addresses are blocked,
Some examples of the lp's are on youtube
YouTube - EuropeanArchive's Channel
Note... At the moment, the "whole side" wave files on top are Raw unedited files.
People mistake them for "the declicked and normalized" files. So please scroll down
and you the the edited (and better sounding) files.
Have fun!