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About beautifulnoise

  • Birthday 06/19/1995

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  • Biography
    I have played piano for for seven years and flute for a year. i began composing about a year ago.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Minnesota
  • Occupation
    High school homeschooler; Little League umpire; caddie.
  • Interests
    Composing, writing, playing piano and flute, acting, and art. (don't forget having fun as well!)

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  1. I really like the piece - I love solo harp and I like the use of harmony/mild dissonance. I would suggest a flute as a second voice in the piece. If you did do that, I would recommend a very cantible/singing quality, the flute part much slower than the harp.
  2. O.o Wow, things have changed since I was last here.

  3. O.o Wow, things have changed since I was last here.

  4. I'd also recommend putting the sign up/newest members gadget (kind of like how it is on the current forum page)at the top of the page next to the logo, then widen the description/newest works gadget to fill the page. I just think it would look better.
  5. Hi, I've played piano for apprx. 7 years and am an intermediate/early advanced pianist. A friend of mine wants me to play piano at her older sister's wedding - any recommendations for pieces I should be able to master by mid-April? Thanks, Micah
  6. Hi, I've played piano for apprx. 7 years and am an intermediate/early advanced pianist. A friend of mine wants me to play piano at her older sister's wedding - any recommendations for pieces I should be able to master by mid-April? Thanks, Micah
  7. The WannaBeChopin's Scoring. Hehe, Hi. Lucky I went on to Young Composers today, :P Sorry for being so late. I am recovering from Swine Flu at the moment. :P Micah- 76/100 I liked this a lot, however sometimes I felt it suddenly stopped, but maybe this was the desire effect. Now I can go all cadencial on you!! The piece didn't end with a cadence :sadtears:! Anyway, I thought this was a nice composition with nice ideas. I really liked how it flowed, but sometimes it just stopped, which I didn't really like. It didn't really capture the FANTASIA part of it, it was just a tad predictable. Eric Darr- 69/100- Very "Nice" I did enjoy it. (But it didn't end with a cadence!) Although It was a bit higgle-ti-pigglety, (With the triplets.) I still didn't think it had the dramatic qualities of a Fantasia though. PianoMan- 73/100 A Realy Fantasia I would say, although the start 3 chords with their varations did get slightly repetetive after a while. It was interesting putting them in two movements, a strange idea. Their wasn't really a tune in the first movement their was only this motiff of three chords which got rather repetetive. their was a glimmer of hope the second movement would turn out to be a nice slow bit to make into a true unpredictable fantasia but this didn't really happen. :P Sethy- 65/100 Jazzy. :) Although not my taste it could be other people's taste. Again this piece did not really have a tune although the harmony was nice. And How long does this piece go on for? :o I Went away not realizing I left the piece on for twenty minute and it was still playing!
  8. It's still judging, sorry, I should have posted, considering that it is taking so long... Tokkemon didn't get the original message I had sent with all the entries - Jimmyjuicin's computer has failed, they are both working on the scores now. Judges, please finish your scoring by November 30th at Midnight!
  9. Entries Beautiful Noise (Micah) Fantasia in A minor.pdf - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage Fantasia in A minor.WAV - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage gamma (eric darr) the pdf: Fantasia Op.1 - Lullaby.pdf - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage the mp3: Lullaby.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage pianoplayer18 (j.p. dennis) The War of Fantasia - Movement I Start Player The War of Fantasia - Movement II Start Player viktor sethy imp1 aug.25.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage imp2 aug.25.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage imp3 aug.25.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage if your entry is missing because of email/posting/i just missed it :blush: issues, tell me as quickly as possible.
  10. JIMMYJUICIN is the third judge. the deadline is extended to november 6th at midnight and i will post the results by the 15th, hopefully earlier. :thumbsup:
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