Hello YC, it's been a while ;]
I am now an official member of Magnatune. Although I have only uploaded one single track here I want to point towards my album, which can be heard entirely, if you follow this link:
Unfortunately, there is no "major works" section here any longer, since I actually am submitting works of about ~45min.
I chose Progredium III as the track to be uploaded here on YC since I consider it the peak of the album compositional-wise... If you want the full ~9 min of the Progredium, feel encouraged to listen to Progredium I&II on my album page.
You do not need to have an account in order to listen, although you wouldn't be bothered by listening to the announcements after each track.
If you want any further description, then you might want to refer to the album description.
Nuff said, hope you enjoy listening!
Piano Works [Full Album]