Hello all,
I thought I would start out my active career on YCF by posting an old work as something of an object lesson (as well as snark bait). This work, entitled The Night When The Stars Sang, was written five years ago for my high school choir's Christmas Gala. The piece itself is obviously flawed, but more importantly, I believe it was a moment of epiphany for me musically.
It helped me realize where my strengths and weaknesses lie as a composer, and the purpose and drive for which I write...
In addition, when self-doubting or under the gun while scoring a film (which is what I do most of the time), I can look at something like this (a mediocre past work)to help me remember just how far I've come in five years.
Oh, yes, here is the score.
I've converted it from Sibelius to the most recent Finale for ease of reading for the hoi polloi ;) so goodness knows how messy it will actually be.
Also PDF export.