It's the first time I post here :) I'm Francesco, 23 years old, an italian final-year student of electric bass / composing / arranging in a great music/theater academy based in Rome. And sorry for my english, I hope you'll understand! :D
After a lot of years spent with music theory, composing and arranging techniques, I am looking to work as an arranger, but, you know, with a CV that has almost only education infos, it's a little bit hard.
Many people suggested me to start working as a "ghost arranger" for an established composer/arranger (which could be considered, for example, like an "internship"), then, when I am "ready" to work alone, to start my freelance-arranger career. But I need some answers about this kind of job:
- Can I work from Italy as a ghost arranger for an arranger based in a random country, right? I hope this work could be done through internet...
- How should I introduce myself to the established arranger? Should I attach a score, a home-made mp3, or a midi file to the cover letter?
- Is this one a good idea, in your opinion, to convert a sum of academical experiences into a real job, or should I begin to work as my own boss as soon as possible?
I would really appreciate your advice, and thanks for your time!
Francesco :)