Thank you, I've been studying what you wrote and learned a great deal already.
Those notes and time signature I took from a book which was written for Baglama(an instrument roughly similar to Banjo) so I kept the time signature but re-arranged the notes according to flute which basically putting staccatos and articulation etc.
Btw, I can only play flute -and to some limited degree- keyboard. No guitar. And top of all, there's nobody around to play the parts I write. I just have to go with notation now and ask to kind persons like you to find out how would it sound or be played. (How would it sound is somehow ok because I have a PC with Sibelius, Sonar 8.5 Kontak Native Instruments plus Roland Juno-g entry-level workstation. )
I use Sibelius for all these notations. Sometimes I let the software to do the chord part and then go over and alter according to my taste and sometimes I do the chord part from scratch basing on common chord progression diagrams. I particularly love the sound of acoustic and classical guitar that's why it's always in my mind. Besides I believe flute-guitar make a very nice tonal combination and form a pleasant harmony. I'd prefer guitar to piano when I intend to use with flute.
I didn't quite follow the things about the bass part but I'm scrutinizing it.
The one I'm sending you now has 4/4, it's famous La Cinquantaine. What I did here was to leave the piano part out completely(from the original MIDI), re-arranged flute part with again staccatos and articulations.
I let the drum part is written by Sibelius 6. But I did guitar and bass parts myself by following my basic knowledge of music.
1.How does it sound, harmony-wise?
2. Is any more instruments "necessary", you think?
3. What else can be done to "enrich" the sound, I know it sounds dull a little bit.
Thank you very much for your time.
La cinquantaine.pdf
La cinquantaine.mid