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About Ness2022

  • Birthday 10/05/1991

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  1. Lydian Dominant is pretty interesting! It's not quite uplifting, and it's not quite sad. But it IS good fun ;D If I did it right, it's actually simple to use. All you have to do is use a major scale, and then sharp the tonic note. You then begin the scale on the fifth scale degree... So C Major will have no sharps except for on C because it's the tonic note, and you start the scale on G, because G is the fifth scale degree. It would be G A B C# D E F G. The next one over, G Major, will have a sharp on F because it always does. Then you make G sharp because it's the tonic note, and begin the scale on D because it's the fifth scale degree. The scale becomes D E F# G# A B C D. Practice w/ Lydian Dominant
  2. I thought it would be neat to try out some portal-esque sounds. I'm pretty happy with the timbres! Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a way to keep on going melody-wise after what's here. If you have any ideas or advice that would be wonderful :) Dynamo Drifter
  3. Go for it
  4. Hello, thanks for listening :)To start off, I want to say that this probably isn't really a march since it's strings instead of brass, so sorry about that. I don't have any good brass sound fonts. This was practice using the Dorian mode for both the backup strings and the melody. I took the liberty to use a number of accidentals as well. March of Retrogression
  5. more fun with gypsy scales :) The scale is F# G A# C# D E F# Subterranean Palace
  6. Ness2022

    Spy Phantom

    This creates an atmosphere of danger very well. I really like the steady deep piano, as well as that one use of glissando in the middle. I've been playing Gears of War 1 recently, so this is really reminding me of the background music that plays in war-based video games like that. My only criticism is that it's a little long to stay interested from the song's merits alone, since it does not make very drastic changes. The chord changes and sections with ambiance instruments are very well done, but they are subtle, so it is just a little too long for just sitting down and listing to the entire song.
  7. Thank you very much! I actually used a pokemon black and white soundfont pack for some of the instruments, particularly the strings and the bell. It is certainly more difficult to write melodies in this scale than with the usual scales, but I will keep at it
  8. hello :) I've been working on this for a few days and thought I'd upload it. It is my second attempt with the Hungarian Gypsy scale. The scale is F G G# B C C# D# F. I also worked in a pentatonic scale in a small section near the beginning that is B C E F A B. My goal was to make a song for a desert sort of area, and I really like how my percussion turned out. The initial percussion is actually the subway-car sounds ripped from the new pokemon games and used as a soundfont :D Desert Horsemen
  9. Thanks for the support, SYS. I do agree that the initial part is pretty harsh. The nature of my VSTi won't let me take off the arpeggio or make it quieter so it's pretty much residue there... I'll look for a contra bass that goes well with my strings! It is pretty difficult to make clear melodies in 7/8, but I see what you mean, and I'll work on that in my next works. I think I'm getting better at odd time signatures, and that's really fulfilling
  10. hello! I was trying to make an overworld theme that uses both orchestral and electronic sounds. It is in 7/8 time Sand and Snow
  11. lol I'm hearing the erhu and pipa tremolo love how it cuts out into a dramatic ending also am I hearing little babies giggling
  12. okay I've figured it out. I just had to install them the same way as my VST effects. Those two - the Asian dreamZ and Indian dreamZ - are really wonderful ! I will definitely use them. Thanks for recommending them to me !
  13. I downloaded a few of the VSTs, but they seem to be a type of file ( .dll ) that is incompatible with my program... I use Synthfont. Is it possible to convert them to .sf2 ?
  14. thanks for the link, SYS! I'm definitely going to try some of those VSTs out
  15. I used some snes instruments, as well as mandolin, tapeworm vst and a pentatonic scale. Near the end I started going by ear, so it probably deviates from the scale some ^^;; Rockbound Bayou
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