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About NGray

  • Birthday 08/18/1968

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  1. I like this. The subject is excellent. I'm attempting a D minor fugue now and getting nowhere with it...
  2. Thanks for your feedback guys. All very encouraging!
  3. Actually, on second thoughts, I'll take that back. Perhaps slightly faster is better after all.
  4. What can I say?! That's absolutely fantastic, thank you. I'd identified the stop/start rythmic motion as a weakness myself, though this fugue in it's original version suffers from this much less than the other ones I wrote. Your version is definitely stronger, and really shows how I should be looking to revise a work once I have complete draft. Likewise motivic development. Even I was starting to get bored by the time of the G major entry in my original, and the stretto at the end is much improved by your embellishments, heightening tension, thereby counterbalancing the relaxation inherent in what is the longest passage in the home key in the piece. Once again, thank you for taking so much time with this. I'm not convinced by your slightly faster tempo though - I prefer both versions at the original 50 crotchets a minute.
  5. Thanks for taking the time to listen and provide feedback. Much appreciated. If I may ask, what do you mean by "tighter" harmonies? Also, my first middle entries are in B minor and F# minor aren't they?
  6. Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum, which I discovered recently while surfing the net for interesting sites on composition. Although I can no longer describe myself as "young", I am most certainly inexperienced as a composer. The fugue I've posted is only my only 5th ever composition - the other 4 were also fugues, but not particularly good. This one is I think at least worthy of letting others hear it. One thing I'm going to try to work on in future works is acquiring a richer harmonic vocabulary. I find it almost impossible to introduce anything vaguely chromatic without it sounding "wrong". Also, I have difficulty in working out more than one harmonisation of a subject, so all my entries sound very similar, which gets a bit wearing as the piece progresses. Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to listen and provide feedback. Regards Nigel Fugue D Major.sib Fugue D Major.mid
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