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About VijayWins

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  1. band in a box is equvalent s corcernedto to Garage band as a far a MIDI is concerned
  2. Giga Studio works fine with any Pentium Processor (doesn't work with Celerion). All you need is quality RAM of 1GB or even more for the best performance. I used it earlier, but now I use Reason and Cubase. I find them better than Giga Studio. You can go for Absynth, it even works on Celerion Processor...
  3. Can anyone share the best practice to compose a song with already existing lyrics?
  4. If you wish learn Music Notation, then go for Harmony Assistant. It is easy and I learnt it within 3hrs. But if you wish to compose Modern Music and Serious about sequencing, hi-fi Samples, then go for Cubase Sx, or Cakewalk Project or Reason from Propellerhead.... here is the link for Harmony Assistant: http://www.myriad-online.com/en/products/harmony.htm Download the Demo versions you buy any of the above software... As far as Keyboards are concerned, there are n number of brands. Nowadays, a keyboard is hardly used for a Live performance and no longer a hot tool in composing and sequencing department...got my point... Go for a USB Keyboard Controller...you've several... http://www.musiciansfriend.com/key/navigat...07&src=3SOSWXXA Bye...good luck... Vijay Didla
  5. Writing Melody is simple and complex when you get saturated. Few rules to be followed to generate good melodies. 1. What kind of mood do you wish to produce? Happy, Sad or dark?? 2. Once you decide the mood, then we need to choose the Scale that has the ability to produce such mood. 3. Choose any Minor Harmonic Scale...for example Am...ABCDEFG#A... 4. Take a paper, write the Notes of the ROOT, fourth and Dominant Chords as below... Am = ACE IV =DFA V =EG#B Just observe, these 3 Chords have covered all the notes of the Harmonic Scale Am = ABCDEFG#A 5. As a basic step, start the melody from note A and then make sure that you come back to A again.... It's like travelling from your home and come back to home while visiting several other places in between... Make sure that either B or G# is before the last note....Think that B is your BEST Friend's home and G# is your Girl friends home.... Make sure that you visit any one of B or G# before coming back to A. Good luck ....bbye
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