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szikoratibor last won the day on May 12 2012

szikoratibor had the most liked content!

About szikoratibor

  • Birthday 07/24/1989

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Enthusiast (6/15)

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  1. Accidentaly, I send my file twice. How can I delete it?

    1. Austenite


      Ask a moderator to do it for you.

    2. johnbucket
    3. szikoratibor
  2. Thanks. I post the score...
  3. You are right. I can perfectly understand your point of view. But as I said it's just a study. I post it because I think it's complete. It's short but it does what I want. Like a quatrain or a pair of line drawing. I think no need to explain or develop everything...
  4. Hi. It's a short study in F melodic minor with two passing chords. I don't think it sounds like random chords. I can't see which part is inconsistent to you.
  5. Hi. It's a short piece for solo guitar. NOCTURNE For EMESE
  6. Hi. It's a sketch. I wrote this chord progression after I drink a lot of apple juice. I 'd like to see that how others would write solo above these chords. So post some idea if you want. The chords:Dmaj7#5, Ab13b5, G13b5, Gm11, Cm7, F7b5, Bbmaj7, G13b5, Cmaj7#4#5, A13b5, Dmaj7#4#5,Ab13b5, Dbmaj9, Bb13b5, Bbm7, A13b9 PURE APPLEJUICE
  7. Hi. The form is: 2x main theme, then guitar solo on the main theme's harmony (1 and a half round), and then the bass solo (the other half), and main theme again... I know it's strange a bit, but i don't want to leave that idea (1:33) from the guitar solo. Maybe I'll expand the solos to solve it.
  8. Hello, This is a bossa nova I wrote about 2 years ago. The word "nosza" in Hungarian means something like "come on". It contains solos and a bit too much reverb...I hope you like it. NOSZA BOVA
  9. Yes. I like Zappa's music. I like vibes and marimba and strange rythms.
  10. This is a short song. I hope you like it. lebbencs.mid
  11. Thank you. I don't like VIs, but I have a Cubase Studio 4, I will try it. However I'd prefer a band, but I'm alone.
  12. I have the score, but this is 29 page in pdf.
  13. I usually work with Guitar Pro 5.2 I dont 't like midi sound, but it is simplier to write down my ideas.
  14. Hello. This is a montage which includes my last song's main theme. I hope you like it. montage.mid
  15. I don't know why. It's just 3:33 long for me.
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