Thanks a lot Ferret and Enigmus. I'm not familiar with notation programs if, by chance, you're referring to what Ferret recommended, which is Sibelius and Finale.
But also I understand where you're coming from Lint, at least a bit. See, I honestly DON'T want to have to rely on music programs like that but I really don't see any other way in getting better. I have been listening to more classical pieces, because in all honesty, I technically don't. At least not music of the complexity as the ol' skool Bach, Mozart, and all the other great composers that I hear about. But anyway, I'm trying to broaden my repertoire of music as far as how advanced it is and reading the scores to get an idea of different rhythmic patterns. I'm doing it with music that composers have posted on this site as well.
So I mean.. I don't want to have to rely on programs but I feel like I should. Kind of like I'll get better faster but you do have a good point. It's kind of like a crutch in a way and I don't want crutches.
Yeah.. I hope that made sense. I typed it as I thought it. ;D