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About dark_dragon

  • Birthday 12/23/1991

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    Cinema Standy aroundy guy ;)
  • Interests
    MUSIC, acting/drama

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  1. I'd say Acoustica MIxcraft is the closest you'll get :)
  2. If you are still looking for a DAW then you might wanna try reaper... it's not great for MIDI kinda stuff but it's small, free, and is very economic on your computer. You can use VST's etc in it, and I THINK it has an option to use it while watching a movie or whatever, but i've never done it so i'm not completely sure. Otherwise i'll Cubase because of it's awesomeness when it comes to MIDI stuff. I love Logic Pro, but Cubase wins when it comes to MIDI for me.
  3. Yeah that's one thing that i've thought about... but most of the songs are really structured, and i've got demos of almost all of them so generally we don't do anything different to what is already planned :) Does anyone know much about how to trigger backing tracks with a keyboard? Most of the songs don't have a rhythm track all the way through, and I don't think a click track going through the pa would be very nice haha. I've researched ear pieces but they are jsut wayyyyyy expensive (for me).
  4. I'm in a band, but so far it's just myself and my guitarist. We have been looking for a drummer for months and months with no luck. We've only had one drummer for an actual audition, and he just didn't work out. In our music, we use alot of programming (eg. synths, electronic drumkits) so I was already considering using a laptop onstage, but i'm thinking that instead of continuing my search for a drummer, I just use pre-recorded drums and use my laptop as my drummer ;) Do you think this is cheating?? has anyone done this themselves and found any huge problems, or has it worked out amazingly? And I think I just posted this thread in the wrong section. Woops. Sorry :S
  5. Lyrics will always come, given time.
  6. Yeah 4 DVD's it a s***load of data. I'll definately look at buying something better/more expensive when I get a new computer or upgrade. I think i've actually decided on the Garritan Steinway software... for $99 it's amazing!
  7. Thanks alot :) Yes piano is my main instrument, been playing for almost 7 years now, although I play it more to accompany singing that anything else.
  8. Haha "Step one, you say we need to talk..." Good times, I love that song. Thanks for the feedback :)
  9. Thanks for listening ;) I might try extending that middle part out and ending it there, and perhaps using the ending bit as the start for another song. Glad it made you relaxed :D
  10. I don't know if the name really suits the song, but it popped it to my head when I was trying to come up with one. Some of it I feel is still a bit disjointed, but I'm just happy to have some kind of finished prodcut!! I've never written an instrumental like this before where I don't improvise. Hope you like it! http://pianotracks.webs.com/PianoDEMO1.mp3
  11. Thanks for the help!! I wish I had a few hundred to buy a really nice sounding one. Right now i'm torn between REason piano refill and Garritan Steinway (basic). I'm not really looking for a 'classical' style concert grand piano though, so i'm leaning towards reason... I also found this other great cheap one, and you get a 14 day free trial period, I think it's $68 USD to buy. Pianissimo Virtual Grand Piano
  12. I've had a look at EWQL piano software, and I LOVE IT, but it's wayyyyyyyyyyyy to massive to fit on my computer. I like the sound of REason piano refill, but I think that there's probably better software out there, that's not too much more expensive. I'm looking at a price range of $100-$200.
  13. The title describes the piece perfectly. I imagine a baby monster laying in bed, and the parent monsters putting this on the relax the baby. I like it.
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