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Ian James 182

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About Ian James 182

  • Birthday 12/06/1989

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    Houghton, MI
  • Occupation
    EE intern
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  1. First attempt at dubstep. Didn't quite come out very dubstep-like but I still enjoy it. This one makes use of asian instruments Himalaya
  2. Working on making effective leads pads and basses. Also mixing practice in general Dreamwalker
  3. Hello! I had no idea that it started a new thread whenever you uploaded music. Very cool! Well if you have any feedback feel free to leave it, electronic music is difficult to learn on your own so any wisdom or criticism is welcome. Hope you enjoy it
  4. Little bit of fun with gaters and frequency sweeps, still trying to get the hang of it. I neither confirm nor deny the presence of clipping. Sh*ts 'n' Giggles
  5. hey all, got a rough version of It'll be Alright complete and i'm looking for other people's thoughts on a few points. 1. i like the way it ends for now, but i'm also not averse to adding a bridge and possibly another return to the chorus at the end. thoughts? 2. which transitions need to be fixed? 3. is there ever too much going on? 4. does the stereo seem a little cramped? 5. how do the dynamics feel to you? of course, these points are just what's been bothering me so far, if anything else comes to mind for you then by all means go ahead and say it, all feedback is welcome. and also, keep in mind that i have not mastered, and barely mixed the song so far, so those issues will be resolved later. thanks in advance! it\'ll be alright.mp3
  6. Thanks for the advice, Doovongeman, it's a big help :-) Your point about the ABA structure is a good one, I hadn't really thought about it when I was writing this song. I find myself falling back on the ABA structure too often, and it's true that it doesn't really fit in with the story that accompanies this piece. I may tinker around with this song a bit, but for the most part I'll be keeping your advice in mind for future works, although the synth pad at the end would be a great idea. I write and mix within FL Studio 8 XXL producer's edition. Again, I appreciate you taking the time to help me out, John. cheers
  7. Hello all. This bit is about death. I tried to convey the feeling of neurons firing off as you die with the glitch near the beginning, and the climax describes the coming of the grim reaper. Dreamer in the Dark Yep, for those of you who caught it, the title was inspired by the play Dancer in the Dark, but otherwise has little in common. This was also one of the first times I spent any significant time on mixing and mastering, so if you have any pointers, I'd like to hear them, as learning to mix/master on your own can be a dimly lit road at times. cheers :-)
  8. Here is a simple ambient bit, with a melody written by a friend of mine. She always makes it easy to relax and the song reflects it, it's very laid back and chill. Courtney's Song Cheers lads
  9. hey guys, in my quest of being better at music i'm starting to explore genres outside my current comfort zone. this next bit is a step in a totally different direction from what i've been working on most of the time, in it i'm testing out a few new VST's and VSTi's and also put forth my first conscious effort at mixing and mastering. please go ahead and tell me what you think, any feedback is appreciated, especially with the new things i'm exploring for myself. thanks, and have fun :-) Delirium
  10. really simple piece, but it makes me happy. i tried to have some contrast between the glitchy bells and the smooth piano, and i played around with a lot of effects and filters. as usual, it's not mastered very well :-p sorry guys, i'm working on it. other than that, just sit back, relax, and enjoy Starship
  11. Drum Trax i spelled it with an x because for some reason i really like it like that. anyways, it's a percussive piece mostly, some cool beats in there, and leaning a little towards glitch near the end. probably not mixed very well, feel free to give any feedback you have on it. other than that, cheers :cool:
  12. Starcrossed Went for an RnB style this time, again I have no mic so there's no singing. enjoy though
  13. take a listen. especially if you like that crisp feeling in the early morning. this is my latest piece: Dawn's Aria and feel free to take a listen to any of my other stuff there too. here's a link to my audio page. there's a fair variety of genres, although my style is certainly apparent in all of them. cheers
  14. Hey guys I've having a problem with the last note not being played correctly in FL 8, for some reason it won't play out it's full length (even with the sustain on those notes turned all the way up), and there's also this weird crackle that happens too (and it's not because it's too loud). I'm at a loss for a way to fix it, anybody have any suggestions? You can hear what I'm talking about if you listen to the last 5 seconds or so here. Some information: I've tried exporting it as a WAV and converting it to MP3, lowering the bitrate, making sure the "Leave Remainder" option is selected, and even putting a pattern of a very quiet bass note at the very end after the regular melody finishes. None of this has fixed the problem. Any help would be great!
  15. Hey all, this is a piece I've been slowly bringing together for about a month, at this point in time I've pretty much gotten the main sections done, but I need some help. In the version I've posted, there's 4 basic sections that occur in this order: The verse, the lead-in, the chorus, and the outtro. What I'm wondering is if I've begun to bog myself down with too many things going on at once, especially at the chorus. I'm also at that point where I'm starting to get sick of this song, but with time that will hopefully pass, as usual. The mp3 can be heard here: Say Your Goodbyes Any feedback and suggestions would be a great help, as most of us as composers know that outside opinions can hear things that the composer sometimes can't. Thanks in advance!
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