Hey everyone! My name is Michael, I'm the creator of an internet-based Star Trek fan film called Star Trek: Origins. I'm posting here today, because I'm looking for someone to create an original theme for the project, as well as music for the episodes, trailers, etc.
This is a volunteer gig, but it will expose your work to hundreds of thousand of people who are Trek fans and that view Trek fan films on the internet. There is a possibility of a little $$ down the road, but for now, it's volunteer.
If any of you are into Trek or Sci-fi in general, and have the ability to compose for something like this, I'd like to hear from you.
You can email me at the address listed in my profile...or by visiting our forum here:
Star Trek: Origins
Thanks so much and I hope to hear from you!
Michael (KyTrekker)
Star Trek: Origins