You're correct, I didn't notice that these chords weren't playable by most people, I'll correct this in the near future somehow.
As for the sheet music, it's not official sheet music, I wouldn't publish this, it's just something quick generated from Logic Express as I said in an earlier post.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by chordal ideas, but I understand why you might find them a bit strange.
It works that way for me.
No, I would have called it a sonatina if I knew at the time that such a word existed :whistling:.
The first two movements were written when I was angry at someone I once loved, the first movement was mocking what I thought we had in the past, and the second movement was to represent the heartache I felt afterwards.
But the third movement is different because I wrote it during happier times, for someone that I felt love for. Perhaps that's why you find it more appealing.