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About c7music

  • Birthday 11/18/1976

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  • Biography
    Robert is a composer and graduate student
  • Location
    Riverside, CA
  • Occupation
    music director and teacher

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  1. I don't know if you're familiar with Bruce Broughton, the film composer, but this is very reminiscent of some of his synth scores. Totally works for me. I love the time you put into your tracks- I hate to say it, but I don't know if I have the skill or energy!
  2. I think this is a quirky little thing- I like it! If you were thinking of revising it, or reworking it for other instruments, you might want to try altering some of the accompaniments to work in contrary motion from time to time. For instance, rather than harmonizing in parallel thirds, alternate the notes so that one oscillation goes up and the other down. That makes a neat shimmering effect. just a thought
  3. my favorite christmas poem... with plenty of time left for rehearsal! www.c7music.net/littletree.pdf www.c7music.net/littletree.mp3
  4. Hey, not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but the ladies have no text on page 4. Also, the tenors say "languages" at ms 67. Speaking of language, I like the harmonic language you're using, but I worry sometimes about the prosody of some phrases. I think you should go through it and see where you can alter the rhythm of some of the words to make them more like natural speaking. But as you said, there's still some clean up left to do. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  5. I think the music is very nice, but "heavy night sits my in sorrow" doesn't make any sense. I think your title is missing a word!
  6. I really think you should expand your ranges. Try this in measure 1, for example: double the first bass note down an octave raise the last three eighth notes by an octave bring the melody note up 2 octaves, and maybe double that... the change in sonorities will be huge, and make the piece much more fun to listen to. this is of course, just my opinion. But this an instrument like the piano, with such a huge range, there are many things you can try to introduce new colors... Keep working, it's good!
  7. Here's a couple of small marimba trios. I think there'll be at least a third movement down the road... 1. Tirela www.c7music.net/tirela.pdf www.c7music.net/tirela.mp3 2. Tirelo www.c7music.net/tirelo.pdf www.c7music.net/tirelo.mp3 By the way, "Basura" means "trash". Tirela and tirelo both mean "throw it away". I figure I could also get "tirele" and "tirelan"- maybe four movements. comments welcome!
  8. I think the beginning is okay. It might be a cliche, but then again, anything short of having the whole orchestra stand up and spit at the audience has been done before... In fact, I think the spitting was done once in the 60's...
  9. I'm not real into brass ensembles, but this is way cool! You definitely know the difference between the cornet and trumpet, and I think that's awesome! "One small step for man" and all that...
  10. here's my first post in a while- haven't had the energy... for strings, piano, harp, and percussion. it's the first of 3 movements... hope you like it, I know it's kind of long but I think it works at that length... score www.c7music.net/Sybil.pdf mp3 www.c7music.net/Sybil.mp3 note: a couple of the suspended cymbal rolls sound like chainsaws, for some reason. I will fix this!
  11. you know what would help this a lot? adding ritardando and accellarando to some of these phrases- because of the consistent rhythms it gets real monotonous. it sounds a little like a 'sneaky' film score track. It works well, I like it a lot. keep up the good work!
  12. I think one of the things that might be holding this piece back is the prosody of the wild parts... If you sing, "Your knee" over and over again, for example, the way you have it, the emphasis becomes "your" rather than "knee" and the word sounds like "yornee" whatever that means. If you alter the rhythm slightly to create a stress on "knee' it sounds a lot better to me. who's dc?
  13. dude, you gotta get rid of that orphaned last note. doesn't it bother you? All alone, the whole page to itself? seriously though, I think this is good- ultimately, though, I guess it's Ida's call...
  14. I think this is good, especially the A section- the doublings in the B section doesn't feel as strong to me. Consider altering the rhythms slightly so they don't synchronize, or maybe working in contrary motion a bit. overall nice work- didn't hear any echo.
  15. c7music


    did people actually play from this score, because there isn't a single expression marking on it. Did they ask you about that?
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