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About Sebahk

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Thanks for your time SYS65! Yeah, Its the dedication lol. I haven't placed any brackets, and I know I have to add "Solo", thanks for the reminder anyways haha. Didn't know about Gong/Tam-tam name issue, I'll change it as soon as posible! Thanks for that too! I'm using 4 timpani for tha last two bars. I'm glad you liked it! I'll upload the first mvt. when it's done. Seb
  2. Hello!! Well this would be the beggining of a work (maybe a symphony) that I'm working on... yes, I only have uploaded intros but... just looking for feedback (lol) So here it is... sorry for the messy score! no divisis or slurs yet! About the work: Well after the little prelude theme that ends this part of the piece, I will finish the introduction mixing the little motifs of this theme with motifs of the A theme in contrast (sonata allegro form), and then expose the A theme (no yet written on this score) in a fanfare, and then little develop then B and etc. Score: The extra strings are the divisi staves, don't pay much attention until I've organized the score. MP3: Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire Again, just looking for some feedback! As always, thanks for all your help! See ya! Seb Finale 2009 - [Partitura Sinfon Partitura Sinfon
  3. Well... if you want to transmit your sense of beauty, you have to do it in ways that are actually posible...
  4. Thanks for the feedback - really helps. So I will bring the full orchestra more gradually and will be more careful about voice leading. Also, maybe thinning out the accompainement by taking off some double notes should work. But I have a question about the harmonic movement. By slowing down means to remain in one chord more time?
  5. Hello... here's the main theme for an Adagio that I'm working on... the orchestration it's kind of odd at the beggining but I have some reasons... and I screwed up... writed the 1st vln part on the 2nd vln stave. Maybe will replace the Solo Violin for the 1st Violin section... Haven't placed the bowingsand some divisi yet =P I would appreciate a lot some feed-back, as always... Thanks guys =) Maybe will replace the Solo Violin for the 1st Violin section.. Click here, and then download the MP3 Seb Finale 2009 - [Cuerdas].pdf
  6. Amazing work. Stunishing really good ambience and the disonances are placed in the exact spots in my opinion. Love the developing on the first theme, good orchestration. Perhaps I would like to listen a little more release but... who cares Very well orchestrated, love how you use instrument sounds to create that "explosion" atmosphere (specially brass) Hope to see more from you, Sebastian
  7. Hey Berlioz! Really nice piece I really like it, as people said before, it's really pleasant to hear, I like the ambience, and I really can imagine the singers and it would sound nice. Well I really don't know much about vocal stage music so... can't make more comments lol Keep up the good work! Sebastian
  8. Thank you! Well I think a lot of contemporary music sounds like incidental... starting from avant-garde... Yeah but I know what you mean, some measures actually sound a lot like film music, but I think I managed not to get that much incidental in later development of the music, correct me if I'm wrong... In that repetead motif at the beggining, you're absolutely right, I'm thinking on adding some little expansion on that, because also for me it is sounding repeatitive, and with that elaboration it may lose a little of that filmic thing going... about the phrase at 1:23... yeah I have a similar feeling too maybe it would be nice to add one or two measures more before the big G5... A repeat on the opening after a sudden drop-off... don't like this idea but repeating it in some place and in a different key, absolutely... I'll try to work more on modulation, but I really composer mostly for ear, this is my first orchestra composition (I compose for a prog rock band, this music it's just one idea after another, some repeats and more straight harmony tan mayor modulations, using modal) So I will read a lot about harmony and listen to some Schubert's Lieder or Mehndelsohn's piano works lol. Thank you so much for your help! I'm glad you liked it a little. I've listened to your piano work, it is quite beautiful! Hope to see some more of your music too. Sebastian
  9. Yeah now I realize I messed up with the flute and piccolo parts in the tutti, I will correct that... Well I'm just starting at orchestration so that's the reason why I made that huge mistake... I thought that if the other parts were in a higher register than the flute, the flute would sound anyway (speaking for the part in Page 3) and the ties issue was because I didn't know hoe to make sulrs now I have to correct all fo them (I said that the score was a total mess, just look at the cresc's an dim's).
  10. Hello! I'm working on this piece, it's a mix of various harmony elements... well now I'm in rush so no much to say... I need feedback for this beggining, and help with the solo flute... The last two measures are bad written (Finale newbie) and the solo flute on measure 24 is clearly not fully orchestated and I need feedback on that theme that is presented by the solo flute... And of course feedback on the all part-of-the-piece thing. I really would appreciate your help!! And finally, the score is a total mess, Im ashamed of it :toothygrin: Thank you!! P.S. Don't go hard on me! =P Many thanks form Chile, Sebastian EDIT: New flute theme, not yet fully orchestrated, pdf in adition and modified midi (Mp3 soon coming)! Thanks! Eter.pdf Partitura 2.mus Eter.mid
  11. Well my favorite piece of music.... Actually there are a lot lol. Clasical/Romantic Music: Antonin Dvorak - 9th Symphony "From the New World" (Incredibly Amazing!) Claude Debussy - Le Mer (This thing is full of feeling!) and Clair de Lune for piano (LOVE Dvorak and Debussy) Beethoven's 9th Symphony damn it Progressive Music: Dream Theater's song: Metropolis Part I "The Miracle and the Sleeper" and album: Metropolis Part II "Scenes from a Memory" I love Dream Theater Pain of Salvation's album: BE, the album: Remedy Lane and the album: One Hour by The Concrete Lake. I love Pain of Salvation also. Jazz Fusion: Guthrie Govan's album: Erotic Cakes. I love Ner Ner, Fives, and Wonderful Slippery Thing Govan's Ner Ner Contemporary Guitar Music: Erik Mongrain - The Silent Fool Mongrain's Silent Fool
  12. Well Done! Wow John I thikn you really have something going on. I think that your symphony it's very good. It's a really "pleasure" to listen a work that is more con the classical-romantic mood, made me think of Beethoven in some harmonic constructions, and maybe (as other user said before) in Dvorak, in matters of "rhythm". The themes and ideas are very well presented and estructured, and you can mantain an almost (if no full) coherence in all the symphony. Even in the 2nd movement that you said it was based on a piano concerto, when I listened to it I could still feel the first movement going on. But (there's always a but) I thought too that the first mvt could have more counterpoint, more "moving" variations of the ideas. The 2nd mvt it's rather repetitive, you could have added another idea or section to complement, to carry more attention for then, present the main ideas again. And maybe use some of those new ideas in the wo next mvts, but still, I thought the 2nd mvt was great, better than the first. The 3rd movement I thought was the best, It's very energetic well constructed and it's the one that has the more "complex" development of the ideas I think. And the finale I love how you present the main ideas and the you go into that awesome and powerful final, but I think repeating the final of another mvt It's kind of... again, repetitive. And you could have done (and this speaking of all the sympony) a lot more developing of the main idea (the "really big tune"). Overall, original, wery well constructed (I couldn't make a structure like you lol), very energetic and coherent (no slope chords, notes or sections), pleasant and it's lovely how you include romantic and classical elements, I'm a little tired of new sounds and dissonant chords. I think you have very good ideas, but you could develop them much more and add more complex counterpoint and rhythmic stuff and more ground changes, with that, your music could improve a lot, I think you are good John. I miss the dynamics, I understand the MIDI problem I know it would sound great with the dynamics. Please when you can, upload scores. Hope my english it's not so bad, and hope my review It's good, I liked your symphony; Sebastian
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