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I'm my own Toccata

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About I'm my own Toccata

  • Birthday 04/04/1991

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    Well... music, math, and visual arts.

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  1. can you tell me some of the bad parts?
  2. Anyway, the title says it all. This piece starts out mega super ultra slow and easy, but then it takes off. It's nice sounding, kinda romantic era. Then moves to classical. It's not finished. I'm going to let you, that's right, you! decide if i should develop it into major works material! If not, I'll finish it for this topic thing. Anyway, rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, and tell me any critiques. I want to stress that playability is not an issue. Many thanks from: The Lord of the Onion Rings P.S. about 3'49" right now. ballade.MUS ballade.MID
  3. One moment, let me pick my jaw up off of the ground. Okay, I really liked this one... but, I do have one bone to pick. The pianos are going fast... faster.... almost too fast... whole note??? What? A Whole note? NOOOOOO!!!!! I just didn't like the way you built up to a climax and decided to not put one there. Some people like that, but I think you should have put a big burst of sound and took off with it again.
  4. What a soothing piece! I enjoyed it but I do have a few comments. I think that it is just a bit too repetivite when it comes to the first theme. And also, the right hands is sometimes playing triplets while the left hand isn't and that's difficult although I'm guilty of the same thing. Very nice.
  5. Who says it has to be movies? Take scenes from your own life and score it, lol.
  6. Here: G D A E------------------------ These are Open Strings, they require no fingers. Ab Eb Bb F _-------------------------- Low 1st finger ------------------- pointer | A E B F# _| _________________ 1st finger ------------------------ pointer Bb F C G _--------------------------Low 2nd finger/ High 1st ---------middle/ pointer | B F# Db Ab _|__________________ 2nd finger/ Low 3rd ------------- middle/ring C G D A ___________________ 3rd finger -------------------------- ring | Db Ab Eb Bb_|------------------------- High 3rd finger/ Low 4th --------- ring/ pinky D A E B _____________________ 4th finger-------------------------- pinky Just don't make it too awkward or impossible. Use common sense. Hope this helps . . . It probably won' >_< hope it does :wub:
  7. When I walk, I compose . . . It's when I get my best ideas, when I stop, so does the music and I don't get it written down in time. I also use CreationArtist's idea, but I forget it that way, too.
  8. I find that skill comes with experience. If you keep working, you'll eventually find what you like and what you don't. . . so, yeah!
  9. I write in a stream. That's usually why my music isn't structured well... I give the notes free reign and most of the time I feel as if I'm taking dictation.
  10. I liked the slow part better, but both are good. Slow part, very calming . . . Nice. Fast part, sounds a little messy.
  11. If you keep that violin doing that, your listeners are going to slit their wrists. If I were you, I would change it into a harsh minor soon, also I would put in a chord change here or there. A minor, kinda getting "blah." It's got potential, keep working. P.S. by harsh, I mean not so smooth. some disonance and make the bass have come "explosions" also use syncopation.
  12. I'm sorry, but the piano part made me not want to listen to this piece for very long. I think if you changed up the accompaniment, put in some interesting chords, and made it less repetitive, this piece would be very good, because you write wonderful melodies for the violin, but lose about 1/2 of the trills. I hope this comment helps you out.
  13. I agree with Nico, it's good. . . but not jaw-droppingly amazing. Baroque really isn't my cup of tea, so . . . I might be biased in saying the aforementioned review, but I don't think I am.
  14. Forgot to attach it LOL!!! :) Offertory.MUS
  15. I'm guessing "solo keyboard instruments" means organs, lol. It's short, but there's some qualities in it that I think are good . . . but, of course I think it sounds good, I wrote it. I want to know what you think! Tell me if there's anything you would change or anything that you really like, so you can help me grow as a composer.
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