Very stylistic, reminiscent of Haydn with your modulation to minor keys and sectional composition. Early traces of thematic development, but used in strict sonata form. Your first subject and second subject are strong and hold on their own right without either being more prominent than the other.
Your development of ideas is very creative yet short leaving me thinking, “hang on, I want more”. Influence of Beethoven’s colour, and Mozart’s decoration. Your are good at what you do, I am another lover of writing classical music in older traditions, when it was written because it sounded good, rather than for the sake of doing something new.
Some of your harmonies is too colourful for classical tradition similarly with the dynamic contrast, but after all we are in the 21st century so why not. Your slow movement is defiantly the weakest in the sonata. It just does not scream the same creative energy that the others do, this has nothing to do with tempo, the Ideas are very limited, and don’t seem to move as fluidly as the other movements.
Over all, this is a great work, that young Composers should be proud to premier and host on its server. Defiantly going on my favourites list.