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About Quaser

  • Birthday 07/23/1993

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  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius 5

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  1. Quaser


    Do you have a score for this? That's always nice. Also, why do you say flute OR violin? If you prefer flute, why not just say for piano and flute? The first section of the piece is pretty and entertaining and the piano part sounds very nice but the measure by measure chord changes strike me as kitschy. I liked the melody in the violin a little bit, but it started to grow stale after awhile, a little more variation wouldn't hurt I think. In the second section, the arpeggios in the piano start out very nice but I think they remain simple and don't really expand and just keep revisiting the same patterns. The ending was really nice I thought and put a nice finish to the piece. Nice
  2. I greatly enjoyed this. I really liked the dynamic and tonal contrast throughout and the steady decrescendo towards the end until the piece cuts off with that B - E interval. It's a smooth and finite ending and I thought that was neat. I love the minimalist style in general and this was no exception. Very, very nice.
  3. This is an orchestral setting of The Star Spangled Banner I arranged awhile ago. I had never heard a decent one and have never been all too fond of the US national anthem. It's just always felt kitschy to me. So, I thought, I could attempt to write out the anthem the way I'd like it to be heard. Moving away from its origins as an English drinking song and more towards a proper anthem. Also, if anyone wants to point me to another orchestral setting of the Star Spangled Banner that they've heard and enjoyed I would love to hear it. Thoughts and comments are well appreciated! The Star Spangled Banner
  4. I wrote this for a gloomy, abandoned cathedral area. I thought an undercurrent of a bassoon trio and contrabassoon would be neat to include. Not much else to say. Wrote it relatively quickly compared to other pieces. Arbitrary Atrium Main Score
  5. My high school's music department has asked me to write a couple short chamber music pieces for the annual madrigal dinner. So far I've written a Clarinet Quartet and a String Quintet. The String Quintet was written relatively quickly. The opening measures came to me and I went from there. Following the introduction is a short canon that takes up a majority of the piece. It ends with quick little melodic lines based off of the original motif found in the canon. This piece is my second attempt at writing music in this style. The Clarinet Quartet was my first and I may upload that at a later date. Thoughts and criticisms are highly appreciated! String Quintet
  6. @Berlioz The game isn't anything too special. A friend's making it, but it's not complete garbage like some of the one's I've seen out there (he spends time on it, more than he should actually) so I decided to just score it for some fun/practice. @Roy It does loop since it's background music. @Adamich Thanks! @all Thanks a ton for your comments, means a lot 8D
  7. I went to comment, but the song isn't playing now. D: Going off of memory, though, I liked the energetic and fairy-like (derp) quality of the piece. Very evocative of fairies. Fairies. I'd give a better comment, but the 'file not found' is...a problem. Nice piece though!
  8. I enjoyed. I like the free flowing nature of the piece, several long pauses littered throughout that are suddenly cut by beautiful chords and melodies. Nice job, Roy, I love the tone the piece sets.
  9. Very relaxing and groovy. I like, it's simple yet very nice. 8D Thumbs up. I'm going to assume you performed this yourself. Bravo if you did.
  10. This is such a sad work. It makes a fantastic tribute. You did it justice. I found the fact you used rough metallic sounds throughout hauntingly reminiscent of such a horrible crash. Despite having been working on this for such a long time beforehand. A 17 months well spent. An enjoyable, thought-provoking piece. Is this a working title? Since I think an educated listener would understand that this work isn't atonal.
  11. Poor moth. I really like it, it starts off very fluttery and moth-like and grows into...not what you'd expect a moth to sound like, but it still works. I really like it. The beats hurt my ears, but that's probably just me. Very 'flowy' and foot-tapping. Sounds like it had fun while it was in there.
  12. I was told to write Venerable Villa for a 'victorian horror' themed area. Apparently with a fairly lengthy cellar/sewer dungeon crawl. Not sure why there's a sewer in a Victorian era villa but oh well. Also, when you enter an area for the first time, the title of the area floats over the screen introducing it. So the introductory phrase involving the violins was written with that in mind. Not much more to say, hope everyone enjoys. This was a fun one to write! Venerable Villa
  13. I don't think so. Or at least, I don't do that. If the bassoons (the instrument I typically play) have the most boring or tedious line in the world, I don't go and change it (as long as I deem it a decent part). However, I have done the opposite. I've written for an ensemble where I didn't care too much for the principal oboist. So I didn't give him anything decent and intentionally threw any long, chord tones that I wanted his way. Oops.
  14. Thanks Bryla. Probably should have explained, the piece is written as background music for a forest-like area. A grove if you will. This is meant to be a looping track, so the final pizz. at the end in the bass is written to lead back to the beginning hence why it doesn't sound like an ending. The seventh chord came about via my trying to make a last ditch effort to fit it with the title: Glitzy Grove. I probably should've done it better.
  15. I should've added that I didn't have the lyrics up! I should've deleted those 'has' as well. I thought I had the stave names on there! Aggggh I'ma reupload the score. I should've looked at it more closely. Apologies! And thanks for the comment!
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