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About lj_Parle

  • Birthday 01/05/1984

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  1. And what is he supposed to do with that lightning bolt of wisdom? I hate it when people just put snide comments without any qualification to do so. Bit of respect - this is not the 'professional composers forum' so unless you can help or provide a useful comment to someone wanting to learn...don't bother! SMILES :-)
  2. Hey Norby - It's hard to say anything really constructive to a finished piece so I suppose we can only say what we do and don't like :-) Your piece is well orchestrated and put together. I think the reason why this piece isn't as memorable as it could be is because there it is very busy. Your main melody/theme gets bounced around the different sections really quickly and then seems to get abandoned without it really being developed. I think to be memorable a melody or theme just has to be quite simple...the excitement comes from the harmony/rhythm and development of the musical idea. :-)
  3. This is just a quick post to say I really enjoyed your piece! Well done!
  4. Sorry I didn't reply Earth... Cheers, i'm getting there just experiencing a big learning curve with some of the stuff I am using...getting there! I converted to Logic from Cubase... wouldn't go back! I'm also using Vienna Symphonic Library Special Edition and EWQL Storm Drum (and recently RA on a buy-one-get-one-free offer). I haven't come across Finale...but i'm sure all these programmes do much the same thing ey? :-)
  5. Hey! I understand what you're saying. I did originally have flutes, basoons and oboes doing runs the the ol' drums banging away, but I actually just preferred the stripped down sound of the strings in octaves...
  6. Hey Max. I have EQ'd all the parts. I think this partly comes down to personal preference. See I really like a light touch with reverb and I prefer the dry 'studio' sound becuase all the parts seem so much brighter and more precise. Whereas some people really like the sound of a vast space. I just checked the price of the Vienna Suite...man I am not giving them anymore of my money for a while...SO expensive!
  7. Hey i've been learning a lot about mixing and mastering lately so i've noticed something on my second listen of this. I think you have too much of a dynamic range...i'm finding that certain sections leap out of my headphones (flute and the stacatto strings especially) and make me turn the volume down. I had the same thing but wasn't sure how to fix it without ruining the sound. But found if I bounce the track, apply some automation to the volume at the loud and quiet sections to compensate and even out the overall volume, then add a light compression to even it out a tad more, then a multiple compressor to smooth out the bits which still leap out that it seems to make it a lot easier on the ears and a much more 'pleasant' listen. But it's always tough to do when you're using orchestral sounds... Still love this though... get posting some more!
  8. Hmmm I think your right... the Violins when they get louder DO sound a bit dry compared to the rest of the mix. Do you need generally need to apply a bit more reverb to ensemble parts than solo do you think? I'm saying that because i've applied similar levels of reverb to the oboe, bassoon and french horn and they seem fine.
  9. Too dry, you think? I'm always afraid of putting too much reverb on because you seem to lose the small details. I didn't notice a difference between first half and second... I'll go and check now.
  11. wow that sounds great! What software did you use?
  12. Hey thanks for your help. I'm going to post my 2nd attempt at mastering in a bit. But your comments and tips really helped so thanks a lot....hopefully 3rd times' a charm
  13. Wow another great sounding track, well done! Reminded me of the Iron Man soundtrack. I don't rate Jablonsky because his stuff is so dull so I wouldn't say it sounds like that. Keep it up :-)
  14. Oh come on now stop with the false modesty, this is great! It could definitely finish off a Harry Potter Film :-)
  15. Not sure about the fart .... It does sound like a synth though I have to say. I think this has lots of interesting ideas in and is well executed - I understand what you were saying with regards to my piece now and the reverb - you've got it spot on in yours. My only issue is that there isn't really a development of the ideas and what at the start seems like a journey towards a big crecendo is cut about half way through and doesn't really pick up again. I think it's because I can't detect a structure that you'd latched your musical ideas onto. I suspect it's harder to develop ideas in a percussive piece as opposed to something that is thematic/melodic. Enjoyed it though :-)
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