Hi, I'm not necessarily new here, but I haven't posted much. I just came here mostly to listen to others' works (have yet to upload my own). Lately I've been having a bit of a problem that I haven't been able to answer for myself, which is: should I study music composition? First off, let me explain a little bit about myself so you can see where lies the problem. I've been interested in music my whole life, relatives' guitar and pianos and etc., but I never received any training until middle school. From 5th to 6th grade I played the trombone, and 7th and 8th I switched to Tuba. My teacher felt that I was ONE of the better students in the band. However, I dropped band during high school and I haven't had any formal training since. I've been making computer music on and off since I was 14, and I'm 24 now. I continue making compositions on the computer using a musical master keyboard, yet as I've stated before, I have no training with a piano. Some people, who get my style of music, say that I'm very good and that I have a natural talent (but what else would you expect to hear from the untalented?). I'm going to a small community college this year and I'm indecisive on a major. There is a transfer program in music with 1 year of class piano courses, but as I've read up on colleges such as Ball State University and Indiana University's Jacob's School of Music, the auditions seem to be pretty tough. Does anyone think 2 years at a simple community college will prepare me for Music University, or should I keep musical composition as a hobby and dream on?
Sorry for such a long post but I'll be grateful for any help.
EDIT: Here are a few songs I've uploaded so far -