Hello guys. Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it!
Anyway, as far as community college goes, the one I am going to has a program with Shenandoah where there are certain credits that are guaranteed to transfer. If I decide (E.A, get accepted into) a more prestigious school, I figure it won't really matter to me if the credits transfer or not, because for any one of my dream schools, I would do anything to make it work out. I will probably get my bachelors in composition at Shenandoah anyway, and after that if I want to continue I'll just transfer to another school to get my masters.
I think I am going to attempt to write a short sonata, (or maybe just a sonatina) to try and work on my form, I will definitely upload it here when it is finished. I am watching this Bernstein lecture on youtube, and that has already given me some good information about form. I hope to get some books and analyze some pieces as well.