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Hmmm... Nice opening. I like it when it gets louder. Very nice. I think something might happen a little more with the strings coming in at Allegro... Maybe some wind instrument/brass to accompany it? The rest at 1:01 is too long I think. The jolt at 1:12 or so shocked me. Maybe a quick 1 measure build up or something? Again, at 1:15, the rest I think is too long. The melody at around 1:20 is great. Specially the flute. I think the 5:10 rest didn't work... Maybe try changing time signatures, then back? Iunno. Nice ending I think. Hmmm... I think it was enjoyable overall. I think that allegro theme came back the same way a tad too much... Maybe switch some stuff in the allegro the 2nd time through, as you don't have a repeat sign. It might be nice to the ear... Maybe in a minor in some parts or something? Just a change. I thought it was nice though. I really think you should try to get a recording, as I'd LOVE to hear it performed by an orchestra. Nice job as usual Daniel. - Leon
Heya, I'm listening to the first movement of this right now... and I gotta say, it's really quite nice. I do agree it could use some other things happening... And those oboe thirds get repetitive after awhile... But it's really quite nice. Nicely done man. 4:00- was really nice. Those octaves were genius. 4:35 was nicely done. I'm not sure I like the strings little them at around 5:00 or so... the eighth notes and rests. Back at 5:38 or so those thirds are back. I think 6:17 is too sudden, and before it the theme is too repeated. At around 6:50 might be a good place to climax... maybe? The high pizz. at 7:26 I don't think worked... Before and now. I like that timpani at 7:50. Great transition to 8:11 or so. I think the louder 8:20 might need more variation then just the drone of the octaves. Again, at around 8:49, I think something should happen during that rest. The ending didn't work. There was hardly a peak to the piece. I was shocked when I saw the final bar of the piece. I think a build up, THEN the end would be better. The flute at the end was great too. So, on the whole, I'd say just what others are saying. More drama... Maybe a little more variations in the repeats. I can see it's kind of a recap after a bit, but you might wanna consider changing keys through them and changin' a little... Might make it more interestin'.
Alberti bass? Really? If you play piano you've probably played them if you've played any Mozart/Beethoven. Alberti bass is a left hand/right hand configuration of notes... In C it normally goes C-G-E-G. Bottom, top, middle, top. Then repeats. Trying out on the piano, it can go lots of places. That's why people like it... and it's a nice classical bottom drop to your piece. On to this piece however...... I can't say I liked it alot. I mean... The opening theme was nice... But... That was it. That was the piece... It just got a little tedious I think. Just the constant staccato notes get tiring... and each variation on the melody is repeated twice, then changes... It's sounded like a jazzy metronome. XD! The comedy title is fitting, as it is kind of jivey and edgy, but I really think you could've made some more outta the themes here... Instead of just the bottom being constant alberti and the top being little differences in staccato melodies. This sounds more like a theme in a sonata or something... Also, the hollow octave differences were a little strange... Maybe try some different counterpoints than just steady hollow octaves! - Leon
I play piano and am completely focused on it, but two of my FAVORITE instruments are french horn and cello... I just LOVE the sound of a cello... And there are so many beautiful horn passages in pieces... I love stuff with horns in 'em. We heard Mahler's Sixth Symphony awhile ago and it had 9 horns sittin' in the back row. o.o; Cellos rock though... If I took a string instrument I would totally try cello. Violins are cool, but I just love how deep a cello is.
Or... Adagio - Allegro? Change tempos in the movement if you want to keep it to thrice? Eh? You can repeat themes and stuff... But four is good, just alot of composing ^_^ - El "L"
Can't say I've listened to tons so far, but one of my all-time favorites has been Brahms's Trio for Horn, Piano, and Violin. (Sonata for trio)
I just was wonder... Does your teacher have you/do you like to memorize pieces before playing them? It always seems less comfortable and more risky to me, and always is, but I suppose it feels better than taking all your music out. I do it, but I was just wondering if most people do, or just play it from the sheet. ^_^
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Leon replied to chopin's topic in Composers' Headquarters
It just matters if I'm givin' it to somebody... I can either write it out pretty and neat by hand or just use the computer. All the music I use on the other hand has scribblings of stuff, scratched out sharps/flats/naturals for errors, scribbled IN sharps/flats/naturals... All sorts of stuff. Words all over reminding me of stuff. I never really pay any attention to it though >.> I even write stuff unrelated to piano. To remind me to watch the Simpson's Haloween Special of this season I scribbled it on my Medtner piece. XD! It seems to make the music more you when I do it... Iunno. But for other people, I'd like to give them it plain and nice looking. Computers ftw as they say. - Leon -
I guess I didn't really list why Nick ^_^ I meant to say I like the patterns and rythyms (I can NEVER spell that word) of it alot. Yeah... Stuff like that. It gets annoying though when I'm writing in it and I think of a new part to put in that's in 4/4 >.> 7/8... I played a Bartok dance in 7/8... ROCKED! I like that time signature too. It always just felt like it left somethin' hanging, which I loved.
Hehe... I'm just trying to post a few fun topics >.> Is there any specific time signature you like? For what reasons etc. etc. For some reason I NEVER was able to write in 3/4 last year, but now I'm writing all my stuff in it, not realizing it. ^_^ So 3/4 is kinda one of my favorites now. I just like all the stuff you can make in it. Other time signatures... 4/4, 5/4, 7/4, 2/4, 7/8, etc. etc. Please list why you like the certain time signature =P - Leon
Hello all. I've been thinking... I dunno if it's the same with all of you ladies and gentlemen, but I'm constantly inspired by almost all the stuff I hear to write a melody and make a similar piece of it. The problem is, I already have 5 pieces going on that all require lots and lots of work to finish. What do you do when this happens? I mainly write down them in a notebook (the melodies) and add a little chord to it, making counterpoint, then sometimes note what I think it should be. The problem is one of two things. When I go back to it, the idea doesn't seem good anymore, OR, I've forgotten what was gonna go on with it. What do you do when this happens? I think it's a bad idea to have 20 pieces' starting melodies going at the same time, as you can't possibly finish them all in the week. So? Do you use my method of writing them down quickly and going back later? Do you write an opening number of seconds and save it for later? Do you say, "To hell with [insert current piece here], I'm writing a new one!"? What do you do young composers? ^_^ - Leon
Yes, the accelerando. I liked it. I would just try more variations and have it go different places... Themes kinda start themselves in your head while you go different places... Then, once you finish with it, THEN try going back to the main theme and seeing if it's less repetetive.
Currrrrrrrently! -Mozart Sonata in F K332, third movement -Debussy's 'Children's Corner' (One more to go) -Medtner Fairy Tale in E Minor -Bartok Klavier Suite Op. 14 -(Not for awhile, been busy, but still a chunk of) Chopin's Revolutionary Etude - Recently finished the Military Polonaise of Chopin... ^_^ Fun stuff!
Caltech... I think that kind of music is more for interesting and for study than alot of other music. Those are the pieces that you try to figure out what's goin' on in them... Probably not the most popular for performance. And, just like music of the come and gone centuries, there have been bad composers, and positively are still in the 20-21st centuries... Just not all. ^_^ - Leon
Getting back to atonality... I like alot of modern music. There was a Elliot Carter festival near where I live and we attended a number of them and I found them pretty spectacular... I tend to think people who claim to love music should like all forms of it... Or at least try. I know some people who say it isn't music. I think it's quite cool... We were listening to a quarter-tone piano duet a little while I go, and though I only heard parts of it I still thought it was great. By the way, in case you were also talking about early 20th century, I love most Debussy, Ravel, and those fellas... Shostakovich, etc. All greats. My two nickels... Er- dimes... Er-... Elliot Carters?