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^I hope that worked.
I'm a multi-instrumentalist. I've been writing music for years, however, I've only recently begun learning to notate music "properly". Up until now I've only transcribed using guitar tablature. It doesn't work well when trying to notate a piano piece.
That said, this is the first full piece that I've transcribed using Finale Allegro (the demo version). The entire piece is simply three variations of two different chords. My knowledge of theory is minimal. As such, I expect there to be tons of mistakes and all kinds of things that need ironing out. Be critical; let me know what's wrong with it.
Now for my questions concerning things I couldn't figure out:
1) There's supposed to be a ritardando from measures 29 to 32 (just before the arpeggios).
2) I don't know how to notate sustained notes. The sustain pedal should only be released momentarily when switching chords.
3) Lastly, how to I keep a note sustained passed it's measure? I'd like the very last note in the piece to ring for two measures.
Thank you. Next Tuesday I MIGHT be able to take a video of me playing it. It's pretty fun.
EDIT: One more thing: I definitely intend to really flesh the piece out. It's in the infant stages right now. It's a basic idea that I like and that I feel has potential. I'm not sure yet if I'll be keeping it a solo piano piece or turning it into something much bigger. We'll see.