So this was something I started writing the other day with no direction really in mind. I started it off much faster( 1/4 = 98bpm) and my boyfriend suggested that I change it to a slower tempo(1/4 = 50bpm) which he said he liked better for it. It isn't exactly complicated; complicated stuff isn't something I'm really capable of yet. It is a very short piece, 2' 14" in length.
The 2 trumpet parts basically trade off with the melody and and the rest of the brass support. I only wrote for 2 horns and I wrote them in octaves for simplicity. Dissonance abounds. Also, I'm not terribly sure what the practical range is for horn so it may need some reworking.
Comments, suggestions, literary stabbings, criticisms, etc. are all welcome.
Sorry, the program I use has a scrafty sampling for trumpet sounds so it is a little cringe-worthy in parts. Also, it won't export to .pdf so .bmp will have to do :/.
Thanky :D
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