just putting forth a few opinions... :happy:
And who, may i ask, is doing al the upgrading, renovating and enhancing?
Technology cannot surpass us. When it is equal to us, we simply will not be able to improve it any more.
And computers cannot create; they simply follow a set of rules called a program that is WRITTEN BY HUMANS. Everything that technology does is ultimately our doing, as we are the ones who create the technology and make it do what it does.
anyway, regarding scores..... :innocent:
i believe that having a professional--looking score is very important. Yeah, i know music is meant to be heard, not seen, but just because a house is meant for living does not mean we leave it bare with just the necessities, do we? Even as you reply to this, you are probably typing at a computer that someone bought not only because it worked well (which is the main consideration) but also it did not look like a piece of scrap metal. You are probably (hopefully) wearing clothes, not a mouldy brown loincloth, although in terms of practiality both do the same thing...same goes for scores.
Humans are impractical things, you know. That is why we have somethings called "aesthetics"