Hey everyone, just joined the forum because I had a question on writing a score for guitar. You see, I recently started writing a musical (mostly because I'm bored), and of course one of my main instruments is guitar. The thing is, I've never seen a score for guitar before, so I'm not sure how to write the part for it. When the guitar is just strumming chords, do I write out every note of the chord in the rhythm I want? How do I mark what position chord I want to be played (for example, I want a barred Dm chord on the fifth fret, so I've been marking it simply as Dm barre 5)? When writing fast fingerpicking patterns, would it be better to write out all the notes or to just tab it? The first question is most important to me. If anyone has any sample guitar scores they could show me to help illustrate what it looks like, that would be even better. Thanks a ton, guys.