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Elizabeth last won the day on May 29 2014

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About Elizabeth

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  • Biography
    Old member, may drop in once in a while.
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  • Occupation
    Insurance Administration
  • Interests
    Minecraft, Pokémon, Magic the Gathering... Nerd stuff mostly
  • Favorite Composers
    Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Beethoven..
  • Instruments Played
    voice & piano ... It's been over a decade since I played any wind instruments.

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  • Fifteen Years in!!!
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  1. Ok. Seriously. Enough. Both of you see the other as inferior members, composers, reviewers, etc etc etc. We get it. Now shut up and lets actually talk about constructive things for the site.
  2. As long as we continue to be a community who likes to compare music ego sizes...this place will continue to go under. Nobody likes to be around that kind of attitude. We all have strengths and weaknesses- but there's no point in being on a website like this unless you chose to use the strengths to help other's weak spots in a constructive, non-condescending manner.
  3. And this kind of stuff highlights yet another reason I left. Constant bickering about useless and petty things.
  4. Back when I was on staff, when we had "staff meetings" we would all meet up on skype and just have a huge IM meeting. Kind of like the shoutbox-- but with a purpose.
  5. Morivou was in and out of the website even back when I was around. (At the time) He was a student and so it was hard to balance school with YC. Obviously school comes first. Not sure if a "live" meeting is the way to go, seeing as how we're all over the place and we may not have as nice of a turn out. Having ideas running through this thread is a good idea in my opinion.
  6. In all seriousness, though, I'm not sure if there's a whole lot we can do. The site always worked best when we had a large, active community. As goofy as the "Off Topic" forum was, it really promoted community here...which in turn brought more music and reviews and new members...etc.
  7. Lol. I'm no longer admin, unfortunately. So any "decrees" will have to actually go to chopin or someone of that level.
  8. I was active on here for a few years-- but as I was one of the few females on the forum I got rather sick of all the nasty jokes and such. The site seems ok (a bit strange format since I've been here), but for me honestly I just got sick of the sex jokes.
  9. Hey guys-- Trying to write a piece of music with a full jazz band + solo and harmonic vocal parts. Where would I put the voice parts in relation to the others in the score?
  10. I'm not new to composing... most of my stuff I learn through trial and error (I don't intend on ever really getting published). And that's exactly my point... I don't have perfect pitch so when I have something in my head (like most people) I need to go plunk it out. Except for I can't seem to figure it out this time..
  11. Hey guys, So I'm working on a piece that I want to change keys..modes...I dunno. Something. But my brain is stuck I'll post links to the mp3 and pdf-- keep in mind this is UNFINISHED and I have quite a lot of work to do in the stuff I've already written. If you feel the urge to provide constructive criticisms, you are more than welcome to. Here's a summary of the problem: I have the ensemble holding a D major chord at the moment, and in my head I could hear the bass changing from a D to a C natural and then changing the tonality of the following section... but each time I try to figure out what it is my head is thinking it sounds wrong to my ears. Plunking it out on the pi-nan-er doesn't do much to help me. I'm wondering if anyone can try to figure out what it is I'm thinking of..but brain farting on what it actually is. (Yes, I know. A woman asking you to read her mind. Shocker.) If I can't figure it out I'll just scratch the idea and do something else...but I'd like to see if I can figure this out first. Any help would be much appreciated!! PS Skip ahead to ms. 35 to find the area I'm specifically talking about. PPS Note the stuff after the "problem area" is all just noodles and ideas-- please don't judge me yet :P Visions of Grace.MUS Visions of Grace.pdf Visions of Grace.mp3
  12. My, my, aren't we the party pooper? :cool:
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