I can't say for sure, but I think that Roland used the same piano sound for the fp-7 and for the Roland keyboard I recently bought, the RD-700SX. It looks like, since they're both newer stage pianos, Roland put the same great piano sounds in each. So I can comment on them as well, and say that they really are stunning. I've played a lot of virtual pianos before that always lack something, or are insufficient in some style, etc. For example, there's the dreaded "Kurzweil sound" that you always hear on History Channel shows and stuff, that really tinny sound that just screams "I'm not using a real piano". But I can say that the piano sounds on my RD-700SX are lacking nothing...they sound great all around. I'm completely satisfied with them because they hold all of the nuances of an acoustic. The RD-700SX has the same piano sounds, but is a different kind of piano than the fp-7, so do some research.