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About josepablofm

  • Birthday 04/08/1993

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  1. and... "an arrangement of sounds manipulated for a desired result," is the same that music and art.
  2. my friends, we are YOUNG!!! let this waste for the olds and start composing. I dont see why music have to have musical notes. I dont see why you keep doing the same... since 1600!!!! come on, lets do some changes to this. We dont need to do music with the things that our grandpas do it, and use noises to do music dont nessesary have to be concrete music. My propous is find a way to do with sounds -not notes- music that sounds good to all. Concrete dont like to all, acousmatic dont like to all, but we cand find a way to do music with that recourses that like to the most: beautifull music and estetic sounds with a diferent material. I dont will give you examples because I want that you explote your creativity, not do some like someone, every thinbg thatyou post will be nice, because come out of your mind and soul, dont try to imitate some one, try to create some that you like it, for this reason I dont post extryct parameters and clare rules, because i dont want some equal, i want some of you, and puting out the material -musical notes- that yu ever use, im shure that you will find more ways to do music and more waysto express you.
  3. wooo cool porfile.

    good luck in december competition!!!

  4. hahaha,,, sorry, dead lines are january, not december
  5. Finally!!!! December Competition. I need 2 judges with a IM mail and all the competitors that want!!!!!! Happy end of year, and happy new year my firends. Objetive: Create music without any musical note. How? with common sounds, like a toilet and a chiken. there will be not score. and anyone can join. Rules: dont use any musical note. The harmony will be so much important in the evaluation, more that the rythm and "melody". the most creative, nice, cool, and hamonical one will win. I know that is december and later is a new year and this are vacation; for this reason the deadline will be january 10, and results in january 15. there will be no tolerance, any song that wasent upload befor the deadline will not participe. Well... have fun!!!!! and... FELIZ NAVIDAD!!! Y PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO!!!!! hehehe hahaha, sorry, dead lñine is janury notr december ...... JUDGES me COMPOSERS: Mantas Savickis JmAY Icon sabiansoldier Bachian
  6. more albums... more money!!!!
  7. cool rola, i love it
  8. closed. see you on december competition!!!
  9. congratuations Bachian, i love your rola, and so congratulations Jimmy, that was cool.
  10. Congratulations for all who participated this month All the rolas uploaded was cool, but just one can win... 1. Bachian 2. Jimmyjuicin 3. Me See you in december competention!!
  11. My song. Doxology, by Pablo Maga
  12. I will compose.
  13. ^^ anyway i hope update my song this week
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