Hey , thanks for all your comments, i really enjoied.....
step by step.
I'm a professional music composer for all media, i run a small studio near Rome.
i work expecially for docu and advertising but also for movies, games and short.
Some voices was from a library but other from a personal sampling session from a ellenic cd's, but not all voice lines are latin.
I recorded live , all flutes , played by my friend Henry Cook, he've a personal ethnic flute collection, we had recorded all passage online becouse the production schedule was very very hard and with no time.
All music was composed,recorded and mixed (also syncronized to the video) in 5 days.
For all orchestra arrangements i used Vienna Symphonic library but some special percussion comes from Project Sam library.
All guitars are sampled but re-programmed to obtain a new acient sound.
The docu is 20 min. long and played in a important museum (looped).
I like your feedbacks, it's important to me to have advice and impressions and sensation from the listeners. I'll put her some other cues.
I'm still working now on a short-fiction (25min) so, some extracts, very soon....
Piernicola Di Muro