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About mags2

  • Birthday 03/11/1986

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  • Interests
    making music

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  1. a little cue with piano, bass, strings Sweetest girl
  2. Hey ho! Nice cue!! :D I liked it very much. My only suggestion is to slow it down, it would give it a touch of romantic mood :) he he.
  3. Hey ho! Nice to hear all the awe inspiring work everyone!! Here's some happy cues Ive made in Fruity loops with piano,percussion (cymbals) and bass.... ;-) 2 versions; http://www.box.net/shared/18nzbx7mbg http://www.box.net/shared/0l1p6lfh59 What associations do u get? Please leave a comment if u like ;-)
  4. Hi! I made it easily because it should be used as a bed in a documentary about ghosts and hauntings,presenting places;)
  5. Nice work!! :-)
  6. Download! - mp3, 160kbps Please tell...What kind of feeling / assosiation / atmosphere does this give you? It's a cue made in fruity loops,with some deep bass/subtones ,piano/keyboard and percussion :P
  7. What do you think of when you hear this music? I'm just wondering..... and I would like some comments on this work as well Download here =)
  8. Download Positive vibes Download Mystical loop with a ghostly touch What do you think? I'm quite new into this, a "beginner" - so it would be nice if you had a spare minute to share your thoughts around my work;)
  9. Here are two new versions : Beyond Heaven (Underscore) Beyond Heaven (Remix) I did a little modification of the melody from Odenkraft, and slowed it all down.... how do you like that ? :innocent:
  10. Listen to "Love scene" Listen to "Fallout" Here's some classical pieces I'm working with...I don't have the time to finish it or make any versions now, I'm very busy.....but maybe you will ? The midi files are attached :innocent: I think those scores can be related to love scenes, with a optimistic touch, you probably get the positive feeling ? My inspiration comes from the love of making music to picture, a solid classical background (the roots of all music rules!) and dj-ing (the roots of making beats and why certain moods and atmospheres work at the right time!). I listen closely to all film and tv I se (concentrating on the music and atmosphere and how it relates to drama/story line, images, camera pannings, acting, everything really) it is a vast subject. there is good music and good composers and good sound designers, and also bad ones: who either don't take risks or maybe the producers and directors stress out to make boring solutions..... 023pmid.mid 141_ny.mid
  11. Jeg har hørt igjennom mye av det du har laget, og det er veldig bra - du har jobba skikkelig med låtene !:) Jeg må si jeg er imponert over din versjon av "Beyond heaven", utrolig bra! Har du mulighet til å legge ut låten i full kvalitet, 192kbps eller mer....? den er bare så bra! Jeg driver en ungdomsklubb og har tenkt å spille den i diskoteket på fredag ;)
  12. Oh thanks a lot! Very good :thumbsup: Quite fun to hear other/different versions of my work;) Meget bra! =) ps. Jeg er norsk !
  13. Takk for navnet "Beyond heaven", mycket bra ! :wub:
  14. I'm concerned about my english but I'll give it a try :wub:
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