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Jolly McJollyson

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About Jolly McJollyson

  • Birthday 09/04/1985

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  1. Sounds like a good idea if there are enough classical guitar composers here
  2. Ninjas killed Mozart. But out of love.
  3. I blast Guns N Roses at 4:15 in the morning. I have taught my hallmates to sleep through music. Besides...I need to go dancin' with Mr. Brownstone. Because there is no "Rock and Roll" smiley, we will use the ninja :thumbsup: because ninjas are freakin' METAL. They listen to Iron Maiden, like, all DAY!
  4. Well, believe it or not, it's not my goal in life to spend hours arguing semantics with a 14-year-old over an internet forum, especially when I'm the one who's technically wrong, hahaha! :thumbsup:
  5. I will do so. Hell, I'm wearing AC/DC pants so I have no authority until I remove these and put on my Mozart red jacket and tights. Now that I think about it, my development and recapitulation were pathetic at best and non-existant at worst. Thank God I've had more than year since then to work on compositions! (ah the days when counterpoint was my strongsuit!) I should revisit this piece probably. Mainly it was an exercise in modulation, since that's what we'd learned most recently, and I figured, "hey, might as well get an A on knowledge of subject matter." Thanks, I'll post a string quartet soon that'll have more experience behind it, so we can all say hooray for chromatics and NCTs!
  6. Development was full enough for my professor last year, so I'll take your bet! :cool: Seriously, though, appreciate the input.
  7. I hate to be a nitpick, but it technically is the sonata form. I've got the Am theme which only changes keys when it goes into the Cmajor theme, now, admittedly the Cmajor theme on its own is fairly short, but Mozart does have some sonata movements that are only two minutes. Then there's a combination of the two themes where it modulates back and forth. It's not a typical sonata, but it definitely fits sonata form, and keep in mind it's only one movement.
  8. If only Midi didn't muddy those low, low bass notes... This is so so much better than the first version you had that basically repeated the theme a million times in the exact same way... This one you really take the ideas and run with them and you've come out with a piece that's definitely pretty good.
  9. This is pretty fantastic. I was listening to the very first section and thinking "oh no, another over the top requiem..." But man, I'm glad I kept listening. This is a pretty tremendous piece. Yours is a very hopeful requiem. Mine are always dark...maybe that's because I'm a big diminished chord fan...
  10. I found it a pleasant enough piece, though I've never been a huge fan of the impressionist style. Your tones convey the mood and scene very well, though, so kudos. What's up with the chords/bass just disappearing around 45-47 seconds? Honestly your first theme didn't really grab me and move me, but at around 1:16, when you introduce that brief interlude... I thought that part was gorgeous. Then back to the first theme...
  11. Questions, comments, rotten-tomato throwing?
  12. Fantastic. Dig on any Mozart? Particularly the 40th symphony? Themes obviously are nowhere near exactly the same, but this reminds me of one of the movements.
  13. Trill happy are we? I guess Bach and Liszt had a baby! Seriously though, overall I thought it was a fun little fugue. Try to do a bit more with your theme, though. Fugue's should be a spinning out, not just a repetition.
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