The piece is called, really, The Ghost Ship, thats the whole idea i based this piece on, you were not to know this, however. (and to the man who said about the square rhythm) the firt six notes are supposed to be remniscent of a ships foghorn, The dissonance and dischord, which simply means a chord that doesn't sound right, are supposed to sound wrng and mak you uncomfortable, music isn't about magnolias and summer sun, this piece is dark and strange. Where motzart like to put people to sleep, Eric Whitacre, Stravinski and myself wat to wake people up and throw some strange noises ot there. and throwing the square rhythm as atiny little poof of smoke, i'm not annoyed at you, but try some Phillip Glass. but i'm sick of people that think music is about perfect harmony. Life isn't, and niether is my music.