Thanks very much for your help. I don't have access to a scanner right now, but I'll try to do that asap. I understand what you are saying (I think). I would be suprised if the piece modulates - at least they told us that the exercises we would do at this stage would be simple & not involve anything more complex than functional harmony using I, IV, V chords.
The piece goes like this ... (8 bars, 4/4 time sig, F# in key sig)
bar 1 - dotted crochet G, quaver F, crochet E, crochet D (descending from G top space on treble clef)
bar 2 - dotted crochet C, quaver D, crochet E, crochet G (ascending from C 3rd space in treble clef)
bar 3 - dotted crochet F, quaver E, crochet D, crochet C (descending from F top line treble clef)
bar 4 - semibreve B (middle line treble clef)
bar 5 - dotted crochet E, quaver D, crochet C, crochet B (descending from E last space treble clef)
bar 6 - crochet A, crochet B, crochet C, crochet E (ascending from A 2nd space treble clef)
bar 7 - dotted crochet D#, quaver C, crochet C, crochet B, crochet A (descending from D 4th line up treble clef)
bar 8 - semibreve G (2nd line up treble clef)
I hope that makes sense. It's the D# in bar 7 that is causing me grief. #