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About Malexos

  • Birthday 03/10/1994

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  1. Thank you! I knew the contrabass was a transposing instrument, but I wasn't very familiar with it's range... Everything else you said was just be being dumb xD thanks again
  2. I don't play a stringed instrument, and I'm pretty much a novice at composing - can someone tell me if I've done anything wrong?
  3. I'm going to go ahead and file this under "best advice I've ever received ever". (And also upload the score xD)
  4. I just realised you can barely hear the melody at the beginning >_> the cello has it...
  5. This is a piece I wrote because I missed my best friend, who I haven't had the chance to see for a few months now :( Influenced greatly by an extremely famous work everyone on this forum should have heard before...points if you know which one :P Winter Without You Edit: Click to view the score
  6. Without a doubt, .Quite possibly the most beautiful song I've ever heard for all it's simplicity. Max Richter did a wonderful job. ^^ And when the violin comes in with the high-pitched half notes, I can barely keep my eyes dry :( I'd hire a quintet myself if I had to.
  7. I just felt so at peace today, I wrote this in about half an hour. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I did composing it :P Meditation I - Sweeping a Porch at the End of An Autumn Afternoon
  8. I'm planning a concert at my high school to raise money for a charity. The ensemble features 2 electric guitars, 1 drummer, and a string dectet (4 violins, 2 Violas, 3 Celli, 1 Bass). Last week was our first practice, and I think we sounded really well. The problem is how we'll sound when we start practicing in the actual auditorium. We haven't actually practiced in the auditorium yet, but I'm guessing the instruments will sound much weaker there. I don't know the exact size of the auditorium, but our Senior class is about 500 students, and the auditorium can seat all of us with a few chairs to spare. Can any of you recommend a good way of amplifying our sound? I've considered just sticking microphones in front of us but I'm not sure if that would work quite the way I'd want it to... :unsure: If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it! EDIT: Also, sorry if this is in the wrong forum...I didn't really see one that fit...
  9. I liked it, even though it seemed a bit repetitive towards the end. But I understand, since it's background music pretty much. What kind of game are you making, by the way? Oh, one tip: upload your score as a .PDF next time. Even though a lot of people have finale, most won't take the time to download your file then start that monstrosity of a program up...
  10. A few of you may have heard this before, but I've changed...pretty much half of it completely. This actually a HUUUUUGE revamp of an older, unfinished piece that I submitted to the Young Composers Challenge competition yesterday. (I couldn't find my old topic so I started a new one) It's a bit lacking because I was gone for most of the summer and didn't have a chance to work on it very much. Nevertheless, I tried my best. I don't expect to win or anything, (My goodness, have you heard the past winners?! They're fantastic! http://youngcomposerschallenge.com/winners.php ) but I promised my best friend I would enter. The piece is actually the first half of the entire song, but because of the time limit for the song, I had to cut it off at the halfway point. Well enough of my rambling, here's the piece EXACTLY as I submitted it yesterday. The entry rules said to use MIDI, so I didn't use the nice garritan sounds I usually go with, and as a result, it sounds unbalanced at times. :/ Even though it's too late to change anything for the contest, I would still appreciate constructive (harsh, even) criticism so I can get better at this. Enjoy YCC Submission - By Moonlight
  11. It sounds pretty good in my opinion; I especially liked the part near the end with the strings ^^ I only wish the piece was a bit longer...
  12. This was something I wanted to do for a creative project in french...if you've read Le Petit Prince (eng. trans. The Little Prince) the song is supposed to be about how melancholic the prince feels on his lonely planet, while watching the sunset. If you haven't read the book, it's about how melancholic a prince feels on his lonely planet while watching the sunset. :) Couche du Soleil
  13. Oh wow I really like this...like the poster above, the dissonance at the beginning really caught my attention... up until around 1:22 it sounds like some sort of desperate chase/hunt for something to me...
  14. @beeri Thanks, I will
  15. It won't play for me...can you reupload it as an .MP3 or something?
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