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About Dahniel

  • Birthday 11/14/1985

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  • Biography
    Daring in all senses
  • Location
    The Gaia Solar System
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    No Mojobia
  • Interests
    Only one: Kenic Godology

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  1. Tank u serge & boobooo, ghost moonlight rag is my fav 2, i tink diz works r like neon rags taking da past & mixing dem wit nu formulas. My purpus as always is 2 ilustrate someting nu so dat others may do d same. Again tank u 4 ur reviews.
  2. I totally confer wid u rolifer, d dilema iz i only review scores dat r provided wit mid files, i don't believe in mp3s simply because i believe dat a kompozer should b abol 2 ilustrate his or her genius thru mere general midi tech, cal me an old fashioned romantic. I wish more pepol wud post 3-fold: Mp3, Midi, & Score. Si dat way i would coment on others works mor off10. I am not being arrowgant nor selfish becuz i reele enjoy posting & listening 2 others works as much as my own. Wat du u think may be a solution rolifer?
  3. Well thank u 4 ur critique, i think as a piece 4 children it is suitable like a kabalevsky piece specially in it's elements of innovation. I think dis 2 b an intermediate masterpiece, neither 2 easy to play, neither 2 difficult! Gratsi!
  4. TYhese r my rags inspired by scott joplin with a futuristic touch in Harmony. If anyone wants a pdf 4 any of them please request them. I am sure any jazz lover will appreciate them.:hmmm: Rag de Aurifer Opacus.mid Rag Of Emeralds.mid Rag Of Crimson Elegance.mid Ghost Moonlight Rag.mid
  5. This is not a piece 4 erotika, but rather a blissful relaxation lying in ur bed in the temple of ecstacy u call ur room. I provided a pdf because u can actually play this work very easilly on an electronic keyboard. All u do is choose a smooth synthetic instrument & a slow-jam style replacing the third last staff as seen on the padf & enjoy!:shifty: Eye Of Transcencence.mid Eye Of Transcencence.pdf
  6. This is a work which i wrote as a teenager but went back & polished 2 perfection with more mature touches. Tell me what u think!:hmmm: Modern Fantasia In C Major.mid Modern Fantasia In C Major.pdf
  7. I guess it's an electronic midi sequence 4 all time, unless baritones & castratos can execute without musical prejudice.:headwall:
  8. SergeofArnivillage, all d musik i post on d yc is computerized, it is quite different from the ones i compose on my keyboard. If u ask me, i think a fugue is the earth rotating right down 2 d double helix in organic structures & then again if one were 2 trace it to it's ultimate source, it wud b d mikrokosmos, u now subatomic particles & the like! Perhaps i was trying 2 convey great dead Kompozers wandering about in the astral-plane in a sweet fancy! Tanko!
  9. Thank u serge, i thought this song was going 2 go unnoticed 2 save my life, as for the melowdies, i try 2 intro something new to the yc so that the goal of innovation may spread as did the great composer's works. Thank u arparagus 4 ur detaliation on improvements, the tempo of 111 i used as i usually do, say 111,222,333,122,133,144, etc. for some unknown reason as a sort of personal preference. Fermatas dosen't work well with my composer program so i don't use them & the dynamics below empty bars was just an automatic though needless neccesity. Thank u 4 responding to my post!
  10. Thanks 216. u know this piece is not evil but depics & ridicules the appaling phenomenon of cannibalism & blood drinking throught the world, it in the least glorifies it! Over & out.
  11. ur critique is noted & very appreciated because it's educational, thank u! The constant problem that i have is that the scope of some of my works surpasses the technical limitations of forms , voice range, & octive range. So if i were to modify them to be considered geniune, their original motif would be altered & would leave something to be desired more or less. I guess i disregard practicality not intentionaly but to the direction towards the relative, natural, & inherited destination of the original musical idea!
  12. This is a contrapunctal piece of comedy that evokes a unique atmosphere of enigmas.:whistling: Quintet Choir Of The Unholy Banquet.mid Quintet Choir Of The Unholy Banquet.pdf
  13. Even in it's simple structure, the harmony treatment is quite complex!:thumbsup: Sextet Of The Fairy Castle.mid Sextet Of The Fairy Castle.pdf
  14. I think this work is delightful in it's eerie quality hence the title!:whistling: Always have your computer configured to produce the mild reverb echo sound effect "Parking Lot" found in your pc's control panel-audio manager which in essence magnifies you general midi instruments almost to the quality of a soundfont. Fugue Of Phantasms.mid Fugue Of Phantasms.pdf
  15. It is imperative for the true Kompozer not only to observe the traditional diciplines but also veer towards a new direction in music because we all have a long way to go to temper music to it's ultimate level instead of persisting limitations on music making the journey of progress even slower than it naturally has to be!
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