I am a cellist trying to organize concerts in Connecticut and in DC (possibly the Kennedy Center) and am searching for compositions that are limited to my concert's theme.
I am working with an anti death penalty organization in Connecticut and the Prison Arts Foundation in DC to put on performances that educate about the death penalty. Originally I wanted to choose pieces according to three criteria: 1) by composers who were against or were affected by capital punishment 2) written by inmates on death row 3) by composers who are against the death penalty and would either be willing to speak about their composition as being inspired by this issue, or write a commentary on the subject (even if the composition is just another of your works).
So you would presumably fall in category 3...I'm working on the other works for the performances. I would like to perform in the Hartford Quaker meeting house, as Connecticut still has the death penalty and the Quakers were the first in the US to oppose the death penalty. I would generate publicity through local newspapers and The Connecticut Network to Abolish the Death Penalty (CNADP--that anti death penalty organization I mentioned earlier).
And in DC, I am working with two ex-cons who have performed their musical about the Holocaust at the Kennedy Center. They began a music program for fellow inmates in a federal prison and collaborated on several operas, musicals and other works. Now they perform at the Kennedy Center annually. One of them works in DC getting artwork from prisons into galleries in the community, among other outreach activities.
Anyway, please let me know if you are interested in having your piece performed. It will be great publicity and it is for a good cause; I am not getting paid and neither will you, as funds will be donated. It should be an interesting project.
Thanks for reading this!